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Posts Tagged with "prezbo’s salary"

UPDATE: Athletics has confirmed that Pete Mangurian will coach Columbia football next year. He has an impressive track record at Cornell, Stanford, LSU and with the NFL. Notoriously un well-versed in sports, we were intrigued by the financial details of Columbia’s football team, detailed yesterday in the Times: The head coach of the football team […]

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Good News: Tiger Woods won the Chevron World Challenge this weekend, ending a two-year losing streak. Asked whether the emotions he felt were more satisfied or relieved, Woods replied “It just feels awesome whatever it is.” …That’s what she said. (CBS) Bad News: Times are tough. PrezBo only received $1.53 million in total compensation in 2009, a […]

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 – We still like to think PrezBo has this outfit in his closet. Photoshop credit to “D. Sion G.” These economic times have been rough on everyone, and even PrezBo’s checkbook is feeling a really tiny bit of heat. According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, Bollinger took home a sweet $1,380,035 in total compensation […]

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Who will find Columbia librarians places to live? Why, Alan Brinkley, of course!  Why did PrezBo’s salary rise half a million dollars last year? So he can retire without stress, duh “But my roommate’s veganism got me thinking”: life’s Big Questions answered here! Should you invite all your BFFs to your private island for a few […]

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As we reported last month, the economy may be in the tank, but PrezBo’s doing all right for himself: for the 2007-08 year, he’s earning $1.4 million in total compensation. Now, to remind us all just how high a sum that is, the Chronicle of Higher Education reports that Bollinger was the third-highest paid university […]

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In which Bwog newcomer Anish Bramhandkar keeps you up to date on the latest news in the strange and quirky happenings of the lives of Columbia’s finest.  Beware, in some cases connections to our fair alma mater may be otherwise dubious or somewhat circumspect. UPDATE: Columbia Economics professors hijack today’s New York Times Op-Ed page […]

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