Protesters banging drums and chanting catchy slogans such as “They say ROTC. We say democracy!” have gathered on 116th and Amsterdam across from the Law School, where the University Senate is voting on discussing the final ROTC resolution.
Alma Mater was spotted protesting Facilities’ proclamation of winter’s arrival last night.
Several weeks ago Dylan Lonergan CC ’13, Legislative Assistant of the Senate Student Affairs Committee, compliled this ROTC Briefing as well as these ROTC Supplemental Materials. They explain what ROTC is, its history with the school, and several ROTC systems at other institutions. Produced on behalf of the SSAC, they are being distributed to student […]
2010, if you’re reading this in the middle of PrezBo’s speech, you kids look great out there. Want to know what that chanting was during MiMoo’s speech? About 30 construction workers were protesting CBA (Community Benefits Agreement) which will be, according to its Blogspot, “a private contract between a developer and a community coalition that […]
“Money for Jobs and Education, Stop the War and Occupation!” “Cut the funding, stop the war! What the hell is Congress for?” Anti-war impatience reigned on Low Plaza this afternoon as a hundred-odd students, professors, union workers, and community members listened to a slew of speeches organized by the Columbia Coalition Against the War while […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
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March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025