NY Daily News is calling Friday night’s West End extravaganza a frat brawl. And reports that the Aerosoles window got smashed with a bottle of Hennessy. Hennessy, people, Hennessy. That means that just hours prior to that you could have actually ordered cognac at the West End.
The Bwog has been spending the weekend trying to figure out what happened at the ‘Stend Friday. A handful of people saw the fights outside but no one seems to know what went on inside. So far all we’ve got is this: I was at the ‘stend from 1130-1215 last night. The doors to the […]
Carly Hoogendyk, Carman RA, reports: Everyone’s favorite security guard and vocalist is now soliciting his newest musical offering to Columbia freshmen just looking to swipe into Carman. Michael Lane has come out with a second album of him doing what he does best: singing over karaoke tracks. Lane opens with Santana’s “Smooth” and ends, creepily […]
“Kula kula kula van sola sola sola…” –Multilingual EC security guard, K. Davis, communicating in Cantonese with the Wai Lee delivery man, 2/26. — Neeraj Pradhan —
Now, we all know that lackadaisical first-years are prone to getting locked out of their rooms. Or sexiled (Yes, sex does occur at Columbia. We estimate at least five instances of sexual intercourse since September—-all coming Saturday night after Columbia’s last second victory over Princeton in basketball). But Bwog just learned of a different kind […]
A Bwog correspondent sent the following in– is it too much to ask if anyone has pictures? There was a man on the median at 113th and broadway this afternoon wearing Adidas sneakers, pink socks, green pants, and a double breasted blue blazer with the words “Officer COOL” written on the back in what appeared […]
Not an insignificant number of Columbia security guards are hovering around the front door of Butler, claiming on that there has been an “incident.” For the Bwog’s readership’s sake, let’s hope it’s a good one. Update: Interest seems to be swirling around one middle-aged woman… witness? culprit? Please not another public diddler.
Posters for the Taiwanese Student Association’s spring general meeting (with seductively posed Asian women): Haiku – ‘The Freaky feeling’ She gives me a look Sweating, I walk towards her Damn yellow fever. The haiku is a traditional Japanese form of poetry, making the TSA’s statement either a capitulation to the imperialist force of Japanese culture, […]
On a sign posted by the NYPD in Koronet: iPods and Cell Phones- Crime Prevention Tips: If you choose to wear your iPod, cell phone, or PDA clipped to your belt for all the world to see as some kind of 21st century status symbol, remember that may not be the best safety practice. The […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025