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Posts Tagged with "attractive people"

Looking for love in NYC sure is tough. That’s why you’ve gotta know what you’re looking for and go for it, directly. With a want-ad. This “strong and beautiful soon-to-be working woman” has no qualms about that. So if you’re male, handsome, and know how to massage feet…

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The New York Post knows what’s up. Yesterday, the Post featured on their website entitled, not-so-subtly, “Student Bodies”, featuring the 50 hottest college students in New York City. We found two of our own among this jumble of PYTs: Anthony Castellanos, CC ’09, and Sabina Barbulea, BC ’10.  In order to stand out amongst a […]

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Finally, documented proof that Columbia can turn out attractive people. Page Six Magazine has named Vampire Weekend singer Ezra Koenig one of New York’s 50 Hottest Bachelors. Koenig beat out another Columbia affiliate, Keith Gessen, by several spots, but ranks lower than Devendra Banhart, presumably for failing to meet some sort of facial hair quota. […]

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The life cycle of plaid has grown to be just about as diverse as a material can get in the sartorial sphere.  From its earliest appearance as the uniform of brawny lumberjacks to its mid-life incarnation as the inside of Burberry trench coats to its most recent development as the uniform of underfed hipster hims […]

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Oh, good morning! Look, it’s the Columbia men’s swim team, doing their part to give prospective students the Best. College. Tour. Ever. More photos — because look who’s suddenly so interested in Columbia athletics! — after the jump.

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Two female first-years were overheard bringing new meaning to “innocent until proven guilty” near the John Jay elevators: Girl 1: “My dad works with one of the Duke lacrosse players who got in trouble.” Girl 2: “Really? Which one?” Girl 1: “The really hot one.”

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Picnic Crasher

People reports what we’ve known all along: not even Scarlett Johansson is allowed to oust our picnics. She is welcome to join, however, as long as we get to slather her with sunscreen.

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Busy As A…

As most Columbia students struggle to remember which shirt they wore to 1020 last Saturday night so that they’ll know not to wear it this Thursday, first-year Bee Shaffer, scion of legendary Vogue editor Anna Wintour, has her sights set on something higher: the Met’s swanky Costume Institute Ball. And another thing, dearer to Bwog’s […]

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There was a Target photoshoot today in front of John Jay. The models were really skinny and pretending to be intellectuals for the camera by reading the Spec. We tried to run out with some copies of the Blue & White but, alas, were too late.

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Wherein Andrea Gallardo observes a panel discussing “Beauty and Morals.” Plus, a Q&A session that turned adults into grade-grubbing Columbia students. “Sometimes we want to live the beauty we’ve been talking about,” said Marie Ponsot. “It is the tragic destiny of human beings not to understand and to be misunderstood.” What else could one say […]

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Grad School Wars

In the spirit of wedding crashers, lonely and ambitous men from the B-School have started crashing SIPA parties–“where the wine flows and the women are beautiful” in an attempt to escape the few and relatively ugly girls of their own school. But wouldn’t these business folks have a tough time handling the liberal ladies of […]

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Barnard is Hot

Warner Brothers may have censored itself to stay on the good side of the FCC’s new indecency standards, but you can catch the uncut premier episode of the Bedford Diaries, filmed on the Barnard campus, at the WB website before the sanitized one runs on Wednesday. Sexy professors! Suicides! Unrequited love! Is YOUR life this […]

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B&W Fasionista Josie Swindler reports on the latest from the Lecture Hopping front: At Parsons, the audience of wannabe fashion editors was a whole lot more stylish than the five editors on a recent panel called “Fashion Magazines: Behind the Seams.” Lesson one: it takes more than nice hair to get a corner office at […]

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Andrew Stinger reports: For any fans of ‘America’s Next Top Model’ or of beautiful women, KAHLEN from Season 4 (the runner-up) is now a BARTENDER at Nacho’s. She’s training on Thursday. This information comes courtesy of the cool bartender last night during a “love sucks” toast.

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Snow Baby Starfish

In dress reminiscent of Maggie Simpson’s blue starfish sleepclothes combined with the little brother from A Christmas Story‘s winter-wear, this baby stole hearts on college walk when her parents posed her for next year’s Christmas photo. Find a cuter picture. We triple dog dare you.

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
May 30, 2024
She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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