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Posts Tagged with "resident advisors"

On Monday, RAs and their supporters rallied on Low Steps before marching to President Bollinger’s house to gain recognition for a Columbia RA union.

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On Sunday, January 15, the Columbia University Resident Adviser (CURA) Collective announced on Instagram that Residential Life has cut the RAs’ weekend duty shifts down from 24 hours to 11 hours, effective this past weekend.

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On Saturday, December 17, the CURA Collective announced via Instagram that they have received a $1,000 raise for Columbia’s Resident Advisors.

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After organizing throughout the spring and summer to demand changes to their compensation, Resident Advisers at CC and SEAS will now receive a different pay structure for the 2022-23 academic year, thanks to a new policy change.

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Columbia’s Resident Advisors, the student workers at the center of undergraduate residential life, report dissatisfaction with the job’s pay structure and level of communication. In the wake of Barnard RAs’ collective action, RAs at Columbia make plans to continue organizing over the summer.

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Everyone wants to be as cool as people in EC, so those of us west of Broadway feel the urge to adopt our own moniker: we’re “West Campus.” And to celebrate Thanksgiving (yes, the event is not PC), the west campus lounges will have free apple cider, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and apple pie.  The email […]

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On December 19, two days before potentially returning Resident Advisors had to submit their applications for the 2008-2009 school year, rising junior and senior RAs received an email from Dean Kromm, Director of Residential Programs, detailing changes to their duties. Specifically, when on-duty, they must be closer to campus at all times and cannot be […]

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For all you needy first-years that want to get in with your R.A., heed the words of Resident Advisor alumnus Zachary Bendiner. Or be damned!  Ahoy, nubile class of 2010 !   As you endure the harrowing pop of your collegiate cherry, remember that you are never alone. When you are blubbering over your B+ […]

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Fair warning

This is an old bulletin board in East Campus. If this note is to be believed, the policy is still in effect. (“WTF happened to no parties? If you give us a hard time this year, we will have your legs broken.”)

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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