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Posts Tagged with "roar lions roar"

Do all emails from the Presidents and Deans sound the same to you? We’ve written before on some tendencies that we’ve noticed in emails coming from campus administrators. Practically the same email comes clogging up your inbox every week, and you can’t even reply-all asking to be taken off the listserv. If they all sound […]

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Staff Writer Gloriana Lopez and Guest Writer Abby Rubel have seen a lot of basketball at Columbia, and they’ve seen a lot of fans. The two of them discuss the divide perpetuated between athletes and their fans. Luke Petrasek is flawless. He has two Fendi purses and a silver Lexus. I hear his hair’s insured for […]

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If you’ve been to a big basketball game this season, you may have seen a group of students in camo shirts surrounded by yellow caution tape standing at the front of the student section. To explain this occurrence, Bwog’s sports editor and resident Roar-ee Ross Chapman sat down with Harrison Shih (’16), a member of […]

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Bwog’s basketball boffin, Max Rettig, witnessed an impressive win over Harvard by Columbia’s Women’s Backetball Team. Alexa Giuliano hit the three. Tori Oliver got inside their collective mind. Sara Mead sealed the deal. And the Columbia Lions dominated together at home against the Harvard Crimson, winning their first Ivy contest 59-43. Typical of this season, […]

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In this edition of Get Hype!, Bwog’s #1 baller boi Max Rettig sat down with men’s basketball center Cory Osetkowski (CC ’15) to discuss hoop dreamz, personal goals, and the Roar Zone.  Bwog: How has the team been doing so far this season? What improvements need to be made down the stretch to contend with […]

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Aspiring sports journalists Ross Chapman and Max Rettig bring you the latest coverage of all things basketball (and other sporting festivities). Preseason Ivy League basketball favorite Harvard fell to Dartmouth yesterday, 61-70. 2013-14 runner-up Yale only barely beat Brown, 69-65. And Columbia found itself in a position to change the Ivy landscape and assert itself […]

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Bwog’s been spending a lot of time pondering the mysteries of Columbia lately. Baker Belittler Jon Lesser lets us know how great it would be if we had a shiny stadium instead of a smelly business school. In the days of Columbia old, the Morningside community could gather on any given fall Saturday around South […]

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Lions super-fan Max Rettig brings you an update on what the Lions have been up to over Spring Break. This season, the men’s basketball team won 20 games for the first time since 1970, making it Columbia’s best team in four decades. The Lions earned a spot in the CollegeInsider Tournament (CIT). The CIT takes […]

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Bwog found out from a tipster today that football coach Pete Mangurian recently updated his Facebook page with some photos of the new Campbell Sports Center. Before we get too indignant over the opulence and extravagance, the old sports center was by all accounts a depressing shithole, and the new one can be used by […]

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Robert Lefkowitz, CC’62 and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons ’66, won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry yesterday with Brian K. Kobilka for their hard work studying G-protein coupled receptors. According to the Associated Press, “about half of all medications act on these receptors, including beta blockers and antihistamines, so learning about them will […]

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Class of 2016, cherish this moment. Your Columbia Lions football team is undefeated. The team opened the 2012 season with a narrow 10-9 victory over Marist, erasing fears that the Lions would have another 9-game winless streak to start the season and undoubtedly taking some pressure off new football head coach Pete Mangurian. The football […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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