After a Columbia student passed away during a Kayaking Club trip, new travel policies have been implemented for all Club Sports. Many students claim these policies are unrelated to student safety, but instead put a damper on Club Sports operations, which is further exacerbated by recent funding restrictions. Content warning: Graphic descriptions of death
Bwog’s Clubbin’ feature is back in action to show you some of the most unique, zany, and fascinating clubs Columbia has to offer. Bwog daily editor, and resident Strong Man, Matt Schantz, known for wearing bowling shoes as actual shoes, went renegade clubbin’ and spent a day at Harlem Lanes. Members of the Columbia Club Bowling […]
The Columbia club scene is a mixed bag—and no, we don’t mean Campo Cloud 9 Saturdays. We mean, like, student clubs. Bwog’s Clubbin‘ feature is here to introduce you to some of the most eclectic of the group. In this edition, Bwog’s Designated Driver Wannabe Wizard Zach Kagan mounted his Firebolt and caught up with […]
Brian Wagner keeps you informed! CCSC shook things up last night and started with a game of “Pat on the Back”! Sheets of construction paper, each labeled with a council member’s name, adorned the Satow room. CCSCers wrote compliments on their fellow members’ sheets and took their respective papers home after the meeting. Then shit […]
Every year, the various governing boards show off cool Power Points and generally grovel before the Funding at Columbia University committee (known by the almost-scandalous abbreviation F@CU) for a nice cut of your student life fees. This year’s numbers were just released, and the various allocations are as follows: Activities Board at Columbia: $366,303.61 ($413,607.22 […]
A mysterious tipster clues us in… Our men’s club water polo team won the New York State Championship today, huzzah! On the way, we beat Syracuse and, yes, NYU. As fourth seed, we beat Army (West Point) 7-4. This means that Columbia gets to go to club championships in Ohio. This news comes two […]
Well, they moved quickly this time. As we wrote about before, the announcement of a joint appearance by Obama and McCain on campus next Thursday took student government and group leaders completely by surprise. Just before midnight, though, the presidents of the student councils, club governing boards, and Panhellenic councils have sent an email to […]
Forget football–real fans follow club sports. Bwog freelancer (and water polo team member) Jason Patinkin reports. Columbia’s big-name varsity teams, despite a little help from their friends, are still bottom-feeders in the world of collegiate athletics. But for perhaps the highest talent-to-cash ratio, check out the in the truly underfunded and actively neglected realm of […]
Overheard in EC: Rugby Guy #1: We should make posters to get people to come to our game. Rugby Guy #2: No, you have to get them approved. Rugby Guy #1: What? We can’t just make some on our own? Rugby Guy #2: No. Rugby Guy #3: What if we made, like, little posters, that we […]
Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute there, Dianne. Did you seriously just cancel the ice hockey team‘s fall season, and yank half their funding, and put them on probation for two years, over an insensitive poster? Oh yes she did. The Club Sports governing board, a group of students and administrators that apparently decides these […]
“Brooklyn,” A Movie Review
February 12, 2025“Brooklyn,” A Movie Review
February 12, 2025Fireside Chat With Dr. Anthony Fauci On Public Health And Pandemics
February 11, 2025Speak Now: Joan Jonas
February 10, 2025