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Posts Tagged with "self-control"

Today, we bring you a special weekend preview edition of our newest feature, Butler Archetypes. Vibrate with vexation as SMS Specialist Renée Kraiem describes the person whom you most dread waking up to on a Sunday morning: The Texter.  It is important to remember that the Texter is most often disguised as a Power Studier—high bun, […]

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In Hidden Talents, we introduce you to the secret and sensational lives of your classmates. Charlie Stigler, SEAS ’15, has only been at Columbia for a few short weeks, but he’s probably helped you out on more papers, homeworks, and projects than anyone else here. Charlie Stigler is the developer behind SelfControl. With a lean, […]

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Down with self-denial! In what might be a logical conclusion for a study coming out of the business school, an associate professor and a grad student have found that giving in to temptation makes people happier in the long run after all. Money quote: “We really do believe that in day-to-day self-control dilemmas, people are […]

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