A wise senior’s words with a textual timbre of thankfulness for everyone he has met.
Lula witnessed many incredible things while at Barnard, including grass, Diana sandwiches, and Contact Improv with Colleen Thomas (twice).
Jackie takes us back to the days of slightly-unreasonably-priced Joe Coffee.
You may recognize our former Internal Editor Vivian from PresBei’s Instagram story, but we know her for her themed social events and excellent conflict resolution skills.
You may not see Sophie in Orchesis anymore, but don’t worry because you might just see her again– she’s not going far away!
Theo Burke shares his wisdom in the form of plugging Latenite, making friends, and discovering The Unwritten Rules of Columbia.
Get high be safe and also submit your senior wisdom nominations before 11:59 tonight.
Know any interesting and wise seniors graduating this semester? We want to hear from them! Please nominate any cool or fascinating people you know (who are graduating this December) to write a senior wisdom for us. Shoot us an email at tips@bwog.com with all their info–name, school, UNI–and a short description of why you think […]
Fire Safety maven and green card seeker Anna Hotter is all about posing outside of Philosophy, living out 30 Rock, and not going to class. Let her astound you with her infinite wisdom re: lessons learned and regrets. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Anna Hotter, CC, Economics-Political Science and Philosophy, Graz, Austria Claim to fame: I […]
Frequent tipster Daniel Stone (probably the only one who could get a foosball table installed in Hartley) is here to deliver his senior wisdom. It’s full of exactly what you’d expect: hyperlinks, meticulous research, and solid advice. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Daniel Stone, Columbia College, History with a concentration in Economics, Morningside Heights Claim to […]
Here’s to wisdom, previous Bwog EICs, and institutional memory! We bring to you today Julia Goodman, subway-rider, Dam frequenter, and punchcard queen. She has lots to spill on imposter syndrome and support systems. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Julia Goodman, CC, English and Creative Writing, Los Angeles Claim to fame: I was editor-in-chief of Bwog for the […]
USenator, Loyal Friend, and feckless comment-reader Marc Heinrich wants to endow you procrastinators with some wisdom. He talks work-life balance, leadership, and asbestos, among other topics. Check out our other wisdoms for more ruminations. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Marc Heinrich, Columbia College, Political Science & History, New York, NY Claim to fame: University Senator, AEPi […]
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024