In today’s installment of Small Victories during midterms, Claire Friedman reminds you that you’re great — you took the stairs! — and Alexander Pines awards you this congratulatory mug. Until a week ago, you didn’t even know where the stairs in your building were. Well, just look at you now! You took one look at […]
In today’s installment of Small Victories, note-taking ninja Maud Rozee congratulates you on making it to class. Drawing master Alexander Pines provides you the award. This morning you lay in your bed thinking: What would happen if I just didn’t go to class? Absolutely nothing. The siren song of skipping tempted you to shirk all […]
It’s that time of the week again: laundry day. That shit is hard enough to remember to do without the added stress of your mditerm tomorrow morning. Bwog’s Laundry Service Experts Raph Debenedetti and Alexander Pines put together the latest Small Victory: doing your laundry. Fuck. No more underwear and you’re tired of washing the […]
Midterms are rough. But there’s always the hope of a silver lining in that cloud, a small victory. Today, we bring you the biggest small victory yet, the one that could start off your whole day right. Despite an elaborate setup of 3 clock radios, phone, watch, and computer alarms — not to mention one […]
Procrastinating Bwoggers Courtney Couillard and Alexander Pines teamed up to bring you the latest in our Small Victories Series. The latest victory? Finding the willpower to shower. After only hitting the snooze button two times this morning, you are feeling like Clark Kent: ready to rip off your shirt and fly over Morningside Heights. You’re […]
In which Bwog brings you The Small Victories of Midterms: illustrations of the little things that make you feel good during midterm season. To start us off, we have he Butler-ite who looks surprisingly well put together. Note her poise, her intense gaze, her large head (containing a large brain of course). This is the smart and studious […]
So, the second political debate went down last night. Hofstra University, the location of the town-hall style showdown, apparently cut their losses and swapped debate for football three years ago with tangible successes. (NBC, NYTimes) Columbia’s football team may have an upcoming battle, but when it comes to endowment investment return, Columbia already fares well compared to […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025