This isn’t exactly a novel occurence, but CUIT compromised files which contained the “names, addresses, social security numbers, and bank account numbers” of members of the Columbia community. Oops! How did this happen? “A Columbia University Information Technology programmer inadvertently and erroneously saved a file on a University web server that could be accessed from outside […]
According to the Columbia homepage, those of you who’ve been sitting around trying to register for one of 200 available lottery seats to the Obama-McCain event will have until noon tomorrow to sit around some more. Best of luck!
This first issue of The Blue and White was made with Columbia’s newest inhabitants in mind. Dearest overachievers: perhaps the humanities is not the way to go for that A+… If you came to Columbia in search of fat cats, look no further. They are at the top of student government and the campus music […]
Gather round Columbia, we heard a harrowing tale from SSN breach survivor John Davisson. It seems the free credit monitoring service that your administration has provided is giving identity thieves one more shot to steal your personal information if they were busy from February 2007 to May 2008. “I called Identity Guard to activate my Columbia-bought-and-paid-for “CREDITPROTECTX®” […]
In response to the week’s SSN shitstorm, it was quickly discovered that there had been two emails sent to the afflicted persons: It seemed that some of the luckier unlucky were offered two years of complimentary credit card monitoring service and the unluckiest unlucky were not. One Bwog operative fell into the latter category, so […]
In response to a goofy mix-up in which five thousand of your names and social security numbers were posted on the Internet for 16 months, one student wishing to remain anonymous has posted a statement of disapproval/demand for change on Petition Online. Students bothered by the incident (we hear there may be a few of […]
One recent grad forwarded Bwog the following email, which contains some bad news for the unluckiest 5,000 of you. Apparently, housing information that included names and social security numbers was accidentally posted online by a former student employee in February 2007. Housing & Dining is very sorry, and has even bought you and your probably-stolen […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025