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Posts Tagged with "cuit"

Need to print  your Fro Sci homework at the last minute? Do you require a tangible page of paper to complete your reading assignment? Bwog’s here to help you navigate the new printing system on campus.

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Amid torrential downpours (and without an umbrella), Nadra Rahman dragged herself to the Satow Room, all to bring you the student government coverage you crave. Printing quotas, gun control, and in case you missed it, President Nathan Rosin’s phone faithfully livestreaming everything from the back of the room—just a few of the things that livened […]

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Recently, we’ve been running out of options for our UNI logins. Changing them every 180 days was a hassle in the first place, but on top of that, there’s a load of other requirements that not even our bank accounts require. So, how can you find a good password that fits you? It used to […]

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NINJa Run-In

Ezra Koenig once said about a former hookup at Columbia, “How am I supposed to pretend I never want to see you again?” On the other hand, not-so-lovestruck Lili Brown explores the awkwardness of (almost) running into a hookup from the past in the wee hours of the night (in Butler). There are many a life […]

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Sometimes the Man can really get you down, especially here at Columbia, but not always for the wrong reasons. In light of today’s town hall on protest rules, we bring you an article from the Blue and White’s December issue on security at Columbia. This is the second half of the investigation written by Naomi Cohen. […]

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In case you were planning to print anything, you know, ever, you should probably be aware that double-sided printing is no longer a more cost-efficient option. The print quota has been counting double-sided pages as two pages, rather than one. However, the CUIT print quota info page still maintains that the “Quota is measured per sheet […]

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Google Drive will finally be available through LionMail starting in late July. CUIT sent an email presumably to all LionMail accounts with the announcement this afternoon. Another email from Jared Odessky of University Senate adds that, “This was the result of a year-long student push in the Senate IT Committee since September.” And it’s about […]

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Good news! Human interaction with your professors is now totally unnecessary, if you’re in CC or GS (SIPA too, but who cares?). The initiative to modernize the scheduling system continues with this update from the Registrar and CUIT. Now if you want to add or drop a class that requires instructor permission, starting February 3rd […]

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Many of Columbia’s grad students have now joined the undergrads on LionMail. As of about two weeks ago, we’re all one big, happy LionMail family. Here is the press release from CUIT: CUIT is pleased to announce that many graduate schools are now using LionMail, Columbia’s Google-powered email and calendar solution. On January 15, over […]

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The next Mark Zuckerberg works in CUIT, and he’s created a social network exclusively for Columbia students. This isn’t your grandmother’s Courseworks, with its “graphical log-in.” This is a cutting-edge social network. Every Columbia student now has a profile (just click on “Profile” under “My Workspace”). Here, you can list “Personal Information” (favorite TV shows, […]

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Bwog kindly asks you to forget about our own terrible experience with graphic design for the next two minutes while we rail on someone else for embarrassing design in order to release our finals aggression. For those of you who haven’t been frantically checking SSOL for your grades, the login page is currently splashed with a gigantic […]

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Update, 1:30 am: Facebook, CNN, and Wikipedia are now back up! Try going to Facebook. Now try CNN and Wikipedia. If you’re in a Columbia-owned building, it’s likely that none of these websites will load. But the websites themselves aren’t down. If you try them from a non-Columbia IP or from your phone (once you […]

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UPDATE: Wi-Fi seems to be working in Butler now. Confirmed in Butler Cafe. Rumor has it that all of NINJA printing is down. Tweets suggest that printers are down in the Diana and Barnard Library. The campus network definitely isn’t working in Butler, and hasn’t been for over an hour; hearsay is that it’s been out […]

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The froshpeople seem to have gotten the hang of things already, but you old fogies who still use CubMail directly are in for a rude awakening. Over the last few weeks, CUIT has been shuffling your shit in preparation for the move to Columbia’s new Google-powered platform, LionMail, on July 31st. That’s tomorrow. To avoid adding one […]

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In an e-mail sent out earlier this afternoon, CUIT’s LionMail team informs you that they have their grubby hands on your data and they’re doing some fancy new-fangled shuffling—but don’t worry, they’ll be gentle: Dear Undergraduate Student, We hope you are excited about your upcoming move to LionMail @ Columbia. On July 31 you will be start to […]

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What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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Thank you for the kind words! <3 (read more)
We’re Reviving AskBwog
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I love this guys! You all are doing great work (not that I’m surprised) and it’s been so wonderful to (read more)
We’re Reviving AskBwog
October 22, 2024
Can you take me to Ohio next time? 🫡 (read more)
My First Two Months Here As A Columb(ian)/(us Ohioan)
October 21, 2024

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