If you are in Morningside Heights right now and have nothing to do, or something okay-not-great to do, go to St. John the Divine to listen to people play the piano. But wait! These aren’t just people, and this isnt just any piano! Professional musicians will be playing music all day at the Cathedral in […]
1980’s New Wave correspondent Jeff Illouian reports–that as we type these very words–Sting is rehearsing with a full live orchestra in St. John the Divine. You don’t have to pay, you just have to swoon!
Unfortunately you won’t be able to see him walking a tightrope up in the sky today, but if you’re interested you will have a chance to meet stuntster and artist Philippe Petit tonight at St. John the Divine. Petit is most famous for his tightrope walks between the towering tips of skyscrapers in the city. […]
-Photo courtesy of CityRoom Every ArtHum student knows that St. John the Divine is a goldmine for statues, painting, and generally beautiful stuff. But even if you’re not an old hand at looking at old pretty things, it’s certainly worth taking a walk down the street to see St. John’s new additions to the displayed […]
Remember when you were in eighth grade and you were forced to read The Catcher in the Rye? Remember when Holden asks that taxi driver where all the ducks in Central Park go in the winter? Remember how you thought that was somehow a metaphor for imminent escape from your acne-ridden 13-year-old existence? Yeah, we […]
Yesterday was a big day for Morningside Heights. Our most famous off-campus building, the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, reopened fully Sunday, seven years after the massive 2001 fire that forced its partial closure. $40 million later, the Cathedral is back in all its splendor. The rededication of drew a crowd of thousands […]
Wondering what the fuss around St. John the Divine around 2:00 was all about? Apparently, it’s Dominican Heritage Month. Bwogger-slash-tipster David Iscoe has the scoop: “A crowd waving Dominican and American flags stood on Amsterdam and 110th, and then a motorcade of black Town Cars and Suburbans, with Dominican flags, came by joyfully honking their […]
After finding out about Elton John’s shindig at the little old cathedral down the way, Bwog donned our best wannabe-paparazzi gear (i.e., a dinky digital camera) and headed over at eight o’clock for a glance at the spectacle. A quick peek turned into nearly an hour of celebrity-sighting bliss as we joined the groundlings swarming to […]
Page Six is reporting that Elton John will be celebrating his 60th birthday party this evening with cocktails, dinner, and dancing just down the street at the cathedral of St. John the Divine. The guest list of 300 will probably include more star power than Columbia’s seen since the Dalai Lama. Awesome. But does anyone […]
As we perused the calendar of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine this morning, as is our wont, we came across the usual upcoming list of off-the-beaten-trail artistic and religious events. We know the Cathedral is always a little quirky, but if O’Reilly catches onto this stuff, we’ll go from “left-wing jihadis” to “debauched […]
Spec reported last fall that the Cathedral of St. John the Divine would let Columbia and AvalonBay Communities build on the Close (the parcel of land bordered by Morningside, Amsterdam, 110th, and 113th) in exchange for rental income. Today, the New York Times reports that AvalonBay will build a 20-story, 300-unit apartment building on the […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025