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Posts Tagged with "t-shirts"

Bwog’s Westside Bureau Chief, Diana Clarke, imagines a dialogue between herself and her new Westside tee. A recent trip downtown took me to the Westside on Fourteenth Street, where I were startled into new appreciation for the market by seeing it out of context (as it happens, you can only get 3 am grapes at […]

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So you can revel in the anticlimactic glory that is our beloved Morningside, Bwog catches a few last-minute minutia that might have made all the difference to your morning coffee/mental state during this darkest night, finally lifting. `

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We never heard from Cardomat about those really cool t-shirts, but Village Copier stepped up with its own. What kind of Morningside cat do you think it is?

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They’re Here!

The moment we’ve all been waiting for has finally come.

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Spotted outside Cardomat Maybe Destiny’s Child will sing about your new T-Shirt—but only if it’s really cool.

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Senior Class Shirts

Seniors, your time is nigh! Expect regular reminders from here on out that, yes, you’ll be leaving soon. Tonight, that means t-shirts: CCSC 2010 will be giving out class t-shirts tonight at 8:00pm in the East Campus courtyard. Make sure you’ve got your ID–all the information is here.

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During his senior year of high school, Dustin Martin (CC ’11) was out for a run when he had the idea to start creating t-shirts with a new logo he had designed. Unlike most of us, who probably would have just gotten back from the run and gone to band practice or whatever we were […]

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Logowear throwdown

There’s nothing like a t-shirt to make you feel more connected to an abstract political organizing tool. Like their Republican counterparts, the Dems now have their own shirt design, which proclaims, “The countdown has begun,” on the front and, “Time to kick some [insert donkey picture here]” on the back. Cheeky! Bellicose! Sexy!  

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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