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Posts Tagged with "tamasha"

Tamasha Rising is Friday, April 8 (tomorrow!) from 7:15 to 11pm, in Roone Arledge Auditorium. Held every spring by Club Zamana, Tamasha attracts over 1000 undergraduates, graduates, alumni, and parents. This talent showcase is designed to promote South Asian culture and to encourage campus unity. This year’s show will include performances by: Raas Bhangra Dhoom Taal […]

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South Asian Student Association Club Zamana put on its annual showcase, featuring several South Asian dance groups and bands as well as some other popular campus groups. Raw Elementz, CU Sur, Dhoom, String Theory, Raas, Taal, CU Raaga, and CU Bhangra all came out to perform. Bwog daily and unabashed Desi dude Fainan Lakha gives […]

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Behind you! Taking pictures. Club Zamana’s annual showcase of South Asian culture last night was was packed for three solid hours, by a thoroughly entertained audience, gnoshing on yummy samosas. Props to the 60+ performers, and the organizers for a theme that can be reused for the next two years. Photography by Evelyn Warner

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Where Art Thou?

Bwog’s Wednesday feature, Where Art Thou?, is here to keep you posted on what’s going on in the A&E department in Morningside Heights and beyond (basically all the cool events your friends are in/on/at). If you would like your Lit Hum in a Week event posted on Bwog, now you can! E-mail us at Wednesday […]

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After that series of sexy posters, it was unclear whether the 2010 Tamasha South Asian Cultural Showcase could live up to the hype. But live up to the hype it did, with freshman and senior numbers from four of Columbia’s South Asian dance groups (Raas, CUBhangra, Dhoom, and Taal) and an engaging (albeit heckle-inducing) comedy show […]

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Like all the rest of you, we have spent the past few weeks salivating over the salacious advertisements for today’s Indian cultural extravaganza, Tamasha. While we suspected for the longest time, like so many others, that Zamana had just lifted a picture from the Internet after Googling “hot Indian girl.” But something about the smile […]

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Oh, Watt!

Luscious lips have been spotted on the Watt doors. But why! They are meant to pique your interest in Tamasha, Club Zamana’s annual culture, music and performance showcase. You may remember the preview for last year’s show, or the largest South Asian organization’s extraordinarily large poster in Lerner. Bwog suspects labial signage shall not be the […]

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