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Posts Tagged with "bhangra"

Deputy Editor Elisha Zhao checked out Bhangra in the Heights last night and it was a stunner!

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Kick off your weekend right by attending the biggest event of the fall semester, Night Market! There will be a variety of performances, such as a cappella, lion dance, sketch comedy, and bhangra. Be sure to stop by Low Plaza at 6 pm to see some amazing talent and grab some grub.   night market […]

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Tamasha Rising is Friday, April 8 (tomorrow!) from 7:15 to 11pm, in Roone Arledge Auditorium. Held every spring by Club Zamana, Tamasha attracts over 1000 undergraduates, graduates, alumni, and parents. This talent showcase is designed to promote South Asian culture and to encourage campus unity. This year’s show will include performances by: Raas Bhangra Dhoom Taal […]

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South Asian Student Association Club Zamana put on its annual showcase, featuring several South Asian dance groups and bands as well as some other popular campus groups. Raw Elementz, CU Sur, Dhoom, String Theory, Raas, Taal, CU Raaga, and CU Bhangra all came out to perform. Bwog daily and unabashed Desi dude Fainan Lakha gives […]

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Over the weekend we donned our masks in New Orleans and got folked up in Nashville. Sadly, it’s time to get back to work. The Great American Roadtrip will come to its final stop tonight in Washington DC (the Wien Lounge, mysteriously fitting). Stop by the College Days closing ceremony from 5 to 6 pm to […]

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Guys, you’ll never believe this: Mark Hay was there! Just past the doors of Roone Arledge Auditorium last night, a chubby and balding older man spasmodically twirled about to the sharp rap of a dhol over a loud speaker. As he twisted about in what could have been a reenactment of Monty Python’s Ministry of […]

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Bwog daily editor Chloe Eichler toured last night’s Glass House Rocks so you didn’t have to. After the fire alarms were shut off and the festivities ended, she filed this report. The theme of this year’s Glass House Rocks was “The Time Machine,” and the first sight to behold upon entering Lerner was a table […]

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Last night, Culture Editor Tony Gong went to CCSC’s massive multicultural event “Passport to Columbia,” and returned a little more appreciative of diverse foods, arts, and Columbia, the nation. His account of the night follows. Some people (naysayers and cynics, mainly) don’t think you need a passport to go to Columbia. “Columbia is a university, […]

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As of 6 p.m., the annual Pakistani mock wedding, Hangama (which translates roughly to “hoopla”),  is still going strong on the steps. The “dance floor,” also known as College Walk, is abuzz with Bollywood quick-stepping and colorful saris, and has been since about 4:30, when the groom rolled up in style on a white horse. […]

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Once again, Columbia monolith vs. Manhattanville individuals: this time, in photos Eye E-I-C overtaken by hostile mononucleosis culture Hungry Jewish students float in an ocean of improperly slaughtered meats At the confluence of storytelling, Africa, rap, and outrage, there lies spoken word No conflict here: bhangra seduces us all Disclaimer: The BwogTM has not endorsed […]

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Calling all wannabe Bhangra members: it’s Hangama, the Organization of Pakistani Students’ annual Mock Wedding, in which a “groom” from NYU takes away his Columbian “bride”–which means more colorful outfits and South Asian dancing than you’ll see this side of the subcontinent (we exaggerate, but really). Even if it weren’t the perfect day, OPS knew […]

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