Today’s Bwog Finance column meshes a traditional Back Of The Envelope article with our novel Bwog Finance series. We’re going to give you a rough estimate of how to know how much money you’ll *actually* make this summer after taxes are deducted from every paycheck, and how much of a return you *might* get. Remember […]
Now that you’re saving/earning so much money budgeting, using your student checking account, and investing, Bwog Finance is going to teach you how to pay your taxes! Yep, that’s right, you don’t want the federal government auditing you for not paying taxes on all your earnings. You may owe the feds some money, but at […]
Fighting the war on lame hats Drugs: Latin American leaders call for drug regulation because the War on Drugs isn’t working. (Washington Post) Body Fat: Analysts are slaves to passion. (Yahoo!) Tax Evasion: Society expects something of you! (The Atlantic) Contraception: More fancy hats. (New York Times) Ye Olde Analysts via Wikimedia Commons
As founding father and tethered aircraft enthusiast, Benjamin Franklin, once penned, “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death pizza and taxes.” A friendly reminder that in addition to being Nussbuam Pizza day, today is tax day. Allow us to direct your questions here. Spectacled stud via Wikimedia Commons
Today until 3p the Barnard/Columbia Earth Coalition is on the ramps. They’re passing out free reusable shopping bags and serving up free food. They’re supporting‘s bag tax initiative with petition signing.
The War on Fun is bringin’ you down. You have two options: drink 40’s somewhere else, or promise yourself that, without a doubt, you will never give a penny to this god awful place as long as you live. Senior Fund and its awkward propaganda be damned! Well, unless you’re too cool for mimicking Obama’s […]
The perennially generous Oren’s Daily Roast does it again! Or rather, will do it again, in about an hour. Between 4:00 and 7:00, pick up a free 12-ounce coffee at Morningside Heights’ favorite alternative to Starbucks (besides the Hungarian Pastry Shop and every single on-campus establishment that accepts Flex). Oren’s is calling it a “tax […]
It was once said that the only two things that are certain in life are death and taxes. While one’s death only happens once, April 15th seems to creep up on us all too quickly every time that the spring flowers are just beginning to bloom and the sun shines bright. This is just a […]
Blue and White Managing Editor James Williams submits this Overheard: “My parents think Flex is a New York State tax.” And with a new Democratic Governor, perhaps that “tax” can increase?
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025