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Posts Tagged with "ssol"

What da eff is “Columbia’s anonymous professor and course rating site”?

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Trying to familiarize yourself with Columbia, but finding yourself overwhelmed by a barrage of new terms? Not to worry! Bwog is here to break down the essential vocabulary you should know before starting your first semester.

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Inspired by a thesis-induced stupor and slap-happy sleep deprivation. *SSOL and whatever the Barnard course planner is supposed to be called because we can’t have nice things. 

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Barnard College has announced that it will replace the myBarnard Portal with a new, mobile-accessible server: Barnard Portal. Barnard Portal will launch on Monday, July 26.

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As spring semester comes to a close, it’s time to register for fall classes! Here’s a reminder that registration for fall 2017 classes starts today. Check SSOL to see when your registration time is, then be sure to log on right then so you get a good pick. May the odds be ever in your […]

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Today is Tuesday, October 7, and if you’re in CC or Barnard, that date holds special significance for you. Alas, today is the deadline for dropping a non-Core class (the Core deadline passed a while ago) if you don’t want that nasty W on your record for all of your potential employer’s hiring managers to […]

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Remember when myBarnard almost dropped everyone’s classes? Yea? Today, if you have bad professors, shitty lecture sections, or otherwise crappy classes that you don’t want anymore, feel free to drop them…but of your own volition. Make your changes before 5 pm, because that’s CC’s deadline for adding, dropping or changing sections of a Core class. For […]

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There’s a new function on SSOL, as you might have noticed when you were attempting to finalize your class schedule. Once you click on the registration tab, look below your wish list for a few more options: Exciting! There’s a new option, titled a “registration calendar.” This seems like a rather odd name, because it’s really most useful to […]

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Good news! Human interaction with your professors is now totally unnecessary, if you’re in CC or GS (SIPA too, but who cares?). The initiative to modernize the scheduling system continues with this update from the Registrar and CUIT. Now if you want to add or drop a class that requires instructor permission, starting February 3rd […]

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You may have noticed that SSOL is in trouble. Sez an undated announcement on Please note: SSOL has been experiencing an outage since early afternoon today September 3, 2013. At this time we are not clear when this will be back up. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. Our technical staff […]

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Victims of the hell that is Columbia class registration on SSOL, your experience is about to get a little bit easier. Triumphantly presented a few days ago by Barry Kane, God of the Registrar, SSOL now boasts a wish list AND a wait list, which Bwog learned are two vitally different things. The wish list […]

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Don’t you hate sitting there hitting refresh on SSOL just hoping one person will drop out of that 15-person creative writing seminar?  Well, now you can stop hitting refresh and simply wait it out: there’s an automated waitlist!  That’s right, coming this fall (to instructors who choose to opt-in, including most non-core classes) all you have to […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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