It’s time for another chapter in the sorry tale of Madonna Constantine, the TC psychology professor who found a noose on her door and later found herself the subject of a plagiarism investigation. Anyway, she’s back, and she’s suing Columbia for wrongful termination. She had planned to appeal her termination, but that having apparently not […]
Conn Corrigan, a J-School grad writing for the New York Sun, is reporting that Madonna Constantine, she of noose-hanging incident and now-confirmed plagiarism fame, is being suspended indefinitely from Teachers College after an investigation concluded that despite her claims to the contrary, she did, in fact, plagiarize the works of two former doctoral candidates and […]
Relatively unreliable paper The New York Post is reporting that a grand jury has subpoenaed all Columbia’s records on Madonna Constantine, citing financial records and personnel records of particular importance. The investigation into last year’s noose-hanging incident has yet to pinpoint any possible suspects, while the plagiarism investigation remains tightly under wraps, with both Constantine’s […]
Dateline: Teacher’s College. In what is tentatively being dubbed the “2008 Madonna Constantine Plagiarism Incident Slash Witch Hunt Slash General Racism Shitshow”, the Times is starting the morning off by informing us that Professor Constantine will be keeping her job. The New Republic takes a surprisingly un-touchy-feely position and, frankly, goes on a bit of […]
Making the rounds on the TC listserv today, an email from Professor Madonna Constantine. In the email, Constantine maintains her innocence and calls the actions of the administration “premature, vindictive, and mean-spirited.” She also indicates that she believes her race played a role in the investigation: “I am left to wonder whether a White faculty […]
As the Spectator reported earlier, Teachers’ College professor and hate crime victim Madonna Constantine is currently being investigated for fraud and plagiarism. However, it’s not publicly known which of her works are coming under scrutiny. Bwog attempted to contact Joe Levine, the Executive Director of External Affairs at TC for possible information regarding the case. […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025