Bwog has received a tip regarding the West End’s upcoming transformation from quasi-literary drunk freshman hotspot into Cuban pleasure palace. The official name of the new establishment will be: (drumroll!) Havana Central at West End Also, the official menu changeover will start this Friday night, which means that you are just two days away from […]
Revised sexual misconduct policy is passed, as Bollinger hits Asia. Adam Goldberg: ESC Freedom Fighter. And despite hopes that it was all an April Fool’s joke (or a drunken hallucination), the West End will indeed be going Cuban. Girls. They like food. It makes them happy. Attendees of Culture Shock find themselves Culture Satisfied.
Wow. Apparently last weekend’s brawl was the last straw. Spec reports that the West End is being shuttered and will be converted to Havana Central, a chain of Cuban restaurants with locations in Times Square and Union Square. While this may be the biggest thing to happen to local dining since, um, Sushi Tokyo Pop, […]
NY Daily News is calling Friday night’s West End extravaganza a frat brawl. And reports that the Aerosoles window got smashed with a bottle of Hennessy. Hennessy, people, Hennessy. That means that just hours prior to that you could have actually ordered cognac at the West End.
The Bwog has been spending the weekend trying to figure out what happened at the ‘Stend Friday. A handful of people saw the fights outside but no one seems to know what went on inside. So far all we’ve got is this: I was at the ‘stend from 1130-1215 last night. The doors to the […]
5:10 pm Columbia students, repeat after me: Neither the West End nor Broadway between 113th and 114th are my personal playplaces. I will refrain from fighting in the streets and from setting off fire alarms. Or, at the very least least, I’ll try not to do both in the same day.
Last night apparently wasn’t the night to go to the West End. This morning the Spec reported on 3 am street fights which occured when about 200 people came spilling out of the ‘Stend. Of course, the Bwog has known about this since last night when it woke up to, say, COPS FIRING SHOTS INTO […]
See Clown’s sign. Then see Playboy touting the ‘Stend as the center of the universe. Update (1:45 pm): When this Bwog correspondent showed up at the ‘Stend to take some Beer Carnival pictures, she was quickly informed by the Manager that, this being a Saturday, everything was running a bit behind schedule and to come […]
CU Snacks is kind of like that spaghetti pot they sell on TV with the drainer built into the lid: it’s a good idea but it solves a problem you never really had. Plus you’re pretty sure only White trash orders it. Don’t believe us? Fresh baked cookies delivered to the West End. Kind of […]
Word from a Varsity Show source is that set-up for tonight’s West End preview displaced a group of mourners fresh off a memorial service. The dearly departed was none other than Grandpa Munster himself. Grandpa reportedly lied his whole life about earning a Columbia Ph.D. so we’ll assume he wouldn’t mind sacrificing a little dignity […]
The Varsity Show’s strange little website has just put up an equally strange little trailer. Apparently, this year’s Varsity Show features nothing more than block letters in front of a black background and what sounds like the theme from Backdraft. Intriguing, at least in a Phillip Glass minimalist sense, but the Bwog hopes the producers […]
A rumor swept across campus this afternoon that Tom Selleck, star of Magnum P.I. and champion of mustachioed men everywhere, was at The West End, enjoying a burger and fries. After much investigation, Bwog regrets to inform you that it was only a Tom Selleck look-alike. Sigh.
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
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March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025