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Posts Tagged with "beer"

We all know the companies that sponsor athletic leagues: Gatorade, Adidas, Budweiser… Arts and Crafts Beer Parlor? If you’re in Dodge often (pat yourself on the back) you know exactly what you see on the wall as soon as you walk in: a giant poster proclaiming Arts and Crafts Beer Parlor as the sponsor of […]

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Homecoming isn’t only great for its questionably bandwagon display of school spirit and the darties beforehand. In honor of homecoming, free beer will be served to seniors outside Baker Athletics Complex! You’ll probably need to show a valid senior student ID in order to be served, so just be warned. That is all.

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Bucket List represents the intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this sparsely populated reading week are below, with no specifically recommended events. If you notice any events that have been left off the […]

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After the Bwog staffers’ journey to the depths of 1020, replete with books, they had a far less tumultuous time at the newest Morningside Heights addition- Arts and Crafts Beer Parlour, conveniently located across the road from the freshmen dorms on Amsterdam. Depending on your study style, Arts and Crafts may be a better study […]

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You have seen the pine trees ornamented with buoys on islands off  the coast of Maine–but have you seen a pine (Christmas)  tree ornamented with empty beer cans? Neither had we, until we were tipped this lovely pic from Beta house. Great beer-infused holiday cheer. Thanks, brothers! Also–that looks like a live tree, not one […]

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Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday, and you may be wondering where to watch Beyonce preform at halftime. To help you with this epic search, Bwog has put together a list of your local favorites as well as some more adventurous options, all of which are offering food and drink specials for the big day. You’ve […]

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Overheard by a thirsty tipster in Julie Crawford’s Milton class: Julie Crawford: Comus offers the lady a mint julep! How classy. When I was young we drank peach schnapps. What do you guys drink today? Silence. Two voices, simultaneously, from the back row: Beer. Minty treat via Wikimedia Commons

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CANNED BEER: check out this history of the official container of real college’s official drink. (The Daily) VINTAGE CHAMPAGNE AND SKYLINE VIEWS: Bwog knows it’s never too early to start thinking about Valentine’s Day plans (or to start repressing these same thoughts), so why not a private dinner and rooftop pool swim at the Peninsula […]

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Be on the lookout for the November and December issues of The Blue & White, on campus this week everywhere you look in Butler. As we always have done, Bwog will honor our heritage/amorous affair with our mother magazine by posting features from the upcoming issue. Below, Tom Humphreys asks a very important question: who […]

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We admit that, though still goofy, those T Magic signs has been around for a while. However, this perplexing sign outside Mel’s is brand new. Bwog can get down with Früli, but we remain unconvinced by watermelon beer. Gourmands and beer snobs of Columbia, give us your verdict!

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Cause a 209 party is—educational. And from the looks of that label, it looks like this guy was nursin’ it for some time. Cheers, buddy. Note the dual coping mechanisms: behind the beer hangs a Nightline flyer that reads, “I’ve got 99 problems and then some.”

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Sometimes we leave our empties on trash cans. Sometimes we can’t be bothered. Other times we throw them at the wall in euphoric rage.

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As Bwog’s Econ TA recently said in an email, “Good morning/hangover.”

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Morningside has food niches vacated and sort-of filled every few years. AmCaf, beloved steak sandwich locale in the early aughts, became a fancy tapas bar that no one you know eats at. The fabled West End became mediocre Havana Central, a shadow of its former Kerouac-hosting, drunk-makeout-and-beer-pong-haven self. You could get full and drunk for […]

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Gearing up for tonight’s big game? Drop by the following joints for special Superbowl deals and steals: Havana Central $29.95 for assorted empanadas, all-you-can-eat shrimp salad, Cuban sandwiches, vegetarian stuffed peppers, rice and beans, and ropa vieja and all-you-can-drink mojitos, sangrias, draft beer, and soda Village Pourhouse $40 for all-you-can-drink Bud Lite and all-you-can-eat wings O’Connell’s […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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