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Posts Tagged with "third party"

The idea of a third party is not foreign to the American dream (at least to mine). I’d always thought of how nice another party would be in our country’s political system, especially given the circumstances of the 2016 Presidential Election. Steven Nemerovski is a political scientist who shares my fantasy, and in addition to […]

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With such a short time before the election, apparently even third-party candidates are prone to last-minute cancellations. The CPU-sponsored debate between Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, and Chuck Baldwin that was scheduled for Sunday evening in Lerner has been cancelled. In an email sent a short awhile ago, CPU Communications Director Lauren Salz wrote, “Due to […]

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CPU has released ticketing information for the Columbia-hosted Presidential Debate that will include Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney and Chuck Baldwin.  There will be 275 of the 400 seats reserved for CUID holders and you can get them either here or at the Lerner Lobby.  The debate is this Sunday, 8 p.m. in 417 IAB.  Full […]

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After the extravaganza that was the Obamacain ServiceNation Forum, other presidential candidates apparently could not help but get in on the action. According to McClatchy, three third-party candidates will be debating at Columbia this Sunday. Ralph Nader (independent), Cynthia McKinney (Green), and Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) will all participate in a debate moderated by Amy Goodman […]

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