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Posts Tagged with "v117"

More than halfway there! People lucky enough to be done with finals have started leaving already, but probably like most of you, Bwog is still slumped in bed dreaming of Milano sandwiches and about not having to take this exam in two hours. It’s an oral one, do you think we can bring food? Bwogline: […]

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With a whopping ~$100K budget, it’s understandable that people hold such high expectations for the Vshow. The 117th iteration succeeded in tackling this year’s scandals, but failed to deliver the polished production we wanted. Clocking in at over 2 hours (plus intermission), the show strove for topicality, as it should, and handled sensitive issues tastefully […]

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QuickTix spreads the mission of the TIC far and wide. Every two weeks we tell who’s buying which tickets, both on and off-campus. Every once in a while, around this time of year, they get a ton of action and the lines in Lerner lobby can get a little hectic. The organizers of the Varsity […]

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V117 premieres tonight! Their trailer (as imagined by CUMB) boasts POWER, LUST and Godzilla footage. Check out our review of the preview, and a brief history of the Varsity Show tradition. We’ll see you there tonight! Spec gets personal and pretty cute with their professors about the meaning of life, sharing their stories from their […]

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The 117th Annual Varsity Show will run from April 29 to May 1. If it’s anything like the preview, it sounds like it might be worth your while. Get your tickets online or at the TIC before April 14th for the early bird discount! If you’re feeling generous, splurge on a VIP ticket. We’re not quite […]

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Bwog squeezed in to Havana Central’s backroom for the much anticipated Varsity Show Preview. There was promise, pizazz, and no Operation Ivy League… Last night’s 117th Varsity Show preview was executed seamlessly, but displayed no awareness of the insanity that went down last semester. Of course, we’re not asking for a laundry list style lampooning […]

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The cast of the 117th Annual Varsity Show has been revealed at last! Congratulations, friends! Cast Alia Munsch (BC ‘12) Andrew Wright (CC ’14) Bob Vulfov (CC ’13) Chris Silverberg (CC ’13) Elizabeth Power (CC ’13) Isaac Assor (CC ’14) Naomi Roochnik (BC ’13) Rachel Chavez (CC ’14) Rebekah Lowin (CC ’14) Sam Mickel (CC […]

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Head over to Low Plaza anytime between now and 4:00 p.m. for free food and giveaways from the V117 Creative Team. The Facebook event advertises free V117 ping pong balls (the perfect addition to your Thursday night!) and Monster (it’s Four Loko minus the fun part!). Bwog suggests you check it out, especially if you’re […]

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Ta-dahhhh! Your 117th Varsity Show Creative Team. See you in June, friends! A hearty congratulations to the newest members of V117 and to the V116 retirees. Director: Emily Nagel (CC ’12)–V115 Stage Manager, V116 Publicity Manager, and Writer for Xmas! 5. Producer: Fiona Georgakis (CC ’13)–Assistant Prodcer for V116 and Producer for CMTS’s Urinetown Producer: […]

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