How many of you can say you survived being swallowed by a whale? Editor’s warning: mention of transphobia.
Can you balance a fish on your head? Editor’s Warning: Mentions of death and violence.
But not the playground kind! Editor’s note: mentions of violence and police brutality.
This Saturday’s Bwoglines fill you in on news as far as France and as close as Baker Stadium.
Yesterday, politically savvy Bwogger Tamara Barriot took time to assess whether “The Donald” means what he says about getting the Latino vote. As refreshing as discussing the viewpoints of our two political idols can be, this was not Tamara’s first rodeo. Any debate regarding Donald Trump’s care for Latinos will likely spark controversy, and yesterday’s was no […]
Stay stoic this Valentine’s day. Bwog brings you the news as defined by Cicero’s definition of Lust. Mubarak has stepped down. Egyptians long for a new government as they dissolve parliament and call for a vote. (NYTimes) Pesky Canadians are getting greedy, spreading their bagel-like-products around the city. (Gothamist) An angry man suspected of going on a stabbing […]
Columbia’s own Brian Greene has just released his 4th book of popular science, titled The Hidden Reality. In it, Greene provides the latest theory surrounding the multiverse. Wait… do you ever think like, in another world, you are writing Bwoglines and I am reading them? (WSJ) So like, you saw the blizzard on Wednesday from your window, but- […]
Are they for real? We’re not quite sure. But the Philolexian Society does meet every Thursday, and they are quite serious about what they discuss–last night, whether humans or whales should be saved. Bwog Philo correspondent Josh Schwartz has this report. At the hour of eight and a half, the Philolexian society, Columbia’s oldest student […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025