Shaky snowboarders After all the hubub, nothing made more sense than to check out Winter Jam NYC yesterday. The city government promised such exciting things as “The Future of Snowboarding Invitational” (original caps), an ice climbing wall, and trampoline entertainment, the last of which has no connection to winter as far as we can tell. […]
As the revelries in Pittsburgh died down last night, a crowd of 13,000 gathered 65 miles northeast of the Super Bowl champions’ city to wait for the groundhog Punxsutawney Phil to predict how longer the winter will last. If the groundhog does not see its shadow, myth has it that spring will come early, an […]
We at Bwog are always on the lookout for useful websites. Bwog daily editor Eliza Shapiro brings us the backstory on On one chilly day in early December, Brian Donahoe, CC ’12, was walking from John Jay to Hamilton when he happened upon a glove on the ground. He contemplated it for a moment, […]
Things slow down before reading week, but there’s plenty of winter cheer and music to look forward to. Monday Crash Test Dummies: We all love those slow-motion videos of dummies in cars, but what about the science of engineering for safety? 11:00 AM @ Davis Aud, Schapiro. Tuesday Columbia Classical Performers: Morningside’s musicians come out […]
After saving so much cash earlier today, Bwog thought to splurge a little. To reward ourselves after a rigorous day of studying, Bwog was in the mood for something warm and hearty. Unfortunately Casa Fiesta refried beans didn’t cut it. A second trip to Westside, however, yielded the makings of a gourmet dinner. If you’re […]
Here is another joyful indication of the approaching holiday season: yesterday, local mom-and-pop coffee shop Starbucks began its annual tradition of serving coffee in wintry red cups. Bwog doesn’t even like Starbucks, and yet there’s something about Red Cup Day that makes us inordinately happy. So, take your red cupped hot chocolate and take a […]
Look at what a nice welcome back treat your President Bollinger has arranged! Men have arrived in white trucks filled with Christmas lights, and they have begun stringing these lights around College Walk’s trees in the traditional fashion. More photos of daytime holiday loveliness after the jump.
MALLOMARS ARE IN SEASON! They’re $3 a box at Fairway. And Wikipedia knows what’s up: Dangerous Environments Warm environments are not the only dangerous ones for Mallomars and their cousins. Because of the numerous air pockets within the marshmallow, changes in air pressure can cause drastic changes in the size of the biscuit, thus destroying […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
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