In honor of the long-awaited opening of Shake Shack’s Morningside Heights location happening soon, we bring you a conspiracy theory on why Shake Shack is replacing Ollie’s. The campus has been in an uproar for the past few months, ever since it was announced that Shake Shack will be taking over the spot where Ollie’s once stood. […]
Rafael Ortiz, memer supreme, was recently elected as the Pre-Professional Representative of CCSC. We don’t know about you, but Daily Editor Youngweon Lee thinks this is…fishy. Here is her conspiracy theory. Around the end of last semester, columbia buy sell memes was created by a group of edgy meme-y students. As it quickly became everyone’s […]
An unnamed staff writer was inspired by the strange late-night sounds and noises in the stacks while writing a Greek history research paper and started thinking: what if someone is having sex on a book she needs in the stacks? Here are the results of her pondering. Here is the scenario. It’s 2:37am on a Tuesday […]
Happening in the world: A San Francisco federal judge, William H. Orrick of United States District Court, temporarily blocked Trump’s measures to withhold money from sanctuary cities, using his own words against him. This is the third such judicial measure against Trump’s immigration orders in his first 100 days on the job. (NYT) Happening in […]
Happening in the world: The British prime minister, Theresa May, is calling for a snap election (an early election of the prime minister that can be held if the members of the parliament lose faith in the government or if 2/3 of the members agree). In the (likely) case that the conservatives win, the legitimacy […]
Yesterday, Professor Adina Ciugureanu from Ovidius University in Constanta, Romania, gave a talk on the legacy of the Roman poet Ovid in the Black Sea. Bwog’s resident Classics majors, Youngweon and Finn, attended the talk and learned some things about Ovid. The majority of the scholarship on Ovid, as Professor Gareth Williams commented, is centered […]
Happening in the world: Apparently, Ivanka Trump played a big role in convincing her father to authorize a missile strike in Syria against an Assad-regime airbase after a horrendous chemical gas attack, according to an interview with The Daily Telegraph and Eric Trump. (CNN) Happening in NYC: Yellow Magnolia Café opens at Brooklyn Botanic Garden! […]
Stressed about your housing for next year? Bwog has a solution for the most screwed among you. With most juniors and seniors having picked their housing for next year by now, as we liveblogged the whole process, we were able to witness a diverse array of emotions. Some people just wanted us to know that […]
Happening in the world: There was a deadly chemical attack in a northern rebel-held zone of Syria yesterday. Dozens of people, including children, died from this attack. The substance seems to have had a nerve agent or other banned chemicals. Western leaders, including Trump, are blaming President Bashar al-Assad for the attack. (NYT) Happening in […]
This is a periodic table of Columbia University, demonstrating all the elements that make up the Columbia University that we know and love, ranging from dorms to alumni to local businesses.
As we prepare to say goodbye to the dorms that so lovingly housed us in 2015-16, emotions flare up. Bwogger Youngweon Lee tells her emotions in this Ode to Carman Hall. Tell me, Columbia Housing, is there a dorm on campus Quite as disgusting as Carman Hall? What other dorm has bathroom air vents smelling […]
Happening in the world: Lt. Gen. Stephen J. Townsend, the senior U.S. commander in Iraq, said that a US airstrike probably caused the collapse of a building in Mosul that killed a number of civilians. He indicated that an investigation will also examine if the attack set off more explosives set by militants in or near […]
Happening in the world: North Korea tried to launch a missile…and failed. A North Korean missile fired on Wednesday morning (local time) exploded seconds after the launch. With North Korea having made clear its ambitions to develop missiles that can reach the US mainland, this (frankly unsurprising) failure is a reassuring result for South Korea, US, and […]
So Furnald. Honestly, it’s the ideal dorm. It has AC, per-floor kitchens, mostly singles, a pretty lounge, and a good location, right next to Lerner and Pulitzer. It’s quiet and clean. Why is it branded as such a shit dorm? It has such a connotation. “I live in Furnald.” “Oh, do you not like having […]
You did everything right to mark your territory and make sure you have a reserved space in the always-full ButRef (a.k.a. Butler 301, The Reference Room, or “the big room on the third floor”), but some self-righteous selfish asshole one-upped your own self righteous selfish assholery, moved your things to the side, and took your seat. […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025