Bwog’s weekly round-up of neighborhood news sees many odd occurrences. Please continue to help keep us as well-informed as possible by tipping your boringest to
- Hewitt has new, larger, and more sophisticated-ly round mugs, (more mug drama here).
- At Panino Sportivo, the 38th person to order a sandwich gets it for free. These correspond to order number cards they give you. What does 38 have to do with anything?
- Speaking of the unexpected, there were two alien sightings this week, one in Butler, and one in the sky. This may or may not be considered boring.
- Things that are most definitely not boring: The Butler Entrance Saga continues. Is it a patio? Does the wood come from a sustainable forest? Why is it gray?
@Alien in Butler?` That actually looks more like the Human Being mascot from Greendale Community College.
@BORED because the new BwogWeather needs to come out, like, now!!! CAN’T WAIT.
@The patio is probably to help make it accessible for wheelchairs, but to avoid forcing everybody to walk up and down a ramp. You could call it a patio, but it’s really more of just a platform.
@Number 38? I’m still trying to figure out the secret behind The Number 23!
@Anonymous Schapiro has always had wireless, or at least it def had it all of last year!!!.
@Anonymous i love the “pre-fix”.
campo is the epitome of class.
@LOLCAT Teh linkz are brokin for all of teh pikchurs!
@I keep wanting that alien to be Green Man, but he has fingers and isn’t green.