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Matt Damon-fucking comedienne Sarah Silverman is coming to Lerner Hall! Silverman will be performing stand-up on May 9th to benefit Project ALS, an organization which benefits Lou Gerhig’s Disease research. Tickets are a minimum of $100 each (and $500 for a VIP ticket), so if you’re feeling really (really) generous, best to book early. 

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Not even a fortnight since Eliot Spitzer’s resignation, problems with New York’s newest governor, David Paterson (CC ’77), have already surfaced. The New York Daily News is reporting that Paterson had used campaign funds to purchase clothing, bar tabs, and hotel stays at a Quality Inn on the Upper West Side (at which to carry […]

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Break is drawing to a close, and the housing lottery is fast approaching. Use your last weekday off to acquaint yourself with the next dorm in our 2008 housing series: Nussbaum. You could do a whole lot worse than 600 W. 113th Street, a.k.a. Nussbaum. To begin, Nussbaum’s in a great location – equidistant from […]

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As we reported earlier, last week, a Columbia facilities employee jumped three tracks to save a man who had fallen off the subway platform. (Though apparently, the fallen man had fallen due to drunkenness, and not a stroke.) The facilities worked is Veeramuthu Kalimuthu (known as Kali), and his story has since been picked up […]

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Tipster Josh Mathew informs Bwog that Westside Market “will soon be using only biodegradable plastic bags and that customers will also have the option of purchasing reusable bags for 99 cents.” An environmentally-sound way to transport your fresh, delicious, and fairly-priced groceries from 110th to your dorm. How lovely. Meanwhile, what say you, Morton Williams? […]

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Is Anyone Culpable?

While some of us are still recovering from the first half of this semester, many of our more motivated, forward-thinking peers are already thinking about their fall classes (I know, I know). Hard to believe, but the course directory has already been updated with next year’s courses.  Problem is, as many tipsters and readers have […]

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Bwog now supports the emailing of posts! Please feel free to use the Email buttons at the bottom of each one to send them to friends, family, strangers and enemies who you feel deserve extremely witty spam. We’ll have tracking of most emailed posts once we’ve been doing it for awhile. Enjoy!

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The Center for Buddhist Studies just released the recording of a panel entitled “Tibet’s Future… Does it Have One?” The discussion features prominent Tibet and Buddhism scholars Robert Thurman, John Kenneth Knaus, Amit A. Pandya, and John Tkacik. The roundtable is a particularly topical one: Last week, for the first time since 1989, ethnic Tibetans […]

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Jeffrey Sachs was on the Daily Show last night to promote his new book, Common Wealth, in what turns out to be the least entertaining Daily Show interview ever. It’s repetitive and vague; Sachs says we all must work together to fix the world’s problems, Stewart asks which problems we must solve, Sachs then names […]

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A month after GQ featured Vampire Weekend, once again a Columbia alum is profiled in the men’s mag. This time, it’s blonde blogger and prospective first-daughter Meghan McCain, CC ’07. It’s an odd interview, as even the writer—who happens to be the deputy online editor at The New Republic—admits. Initially, McCain treats the readers to […]

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Campus Character: Jeffrey Hunter Northrop II By Alexander Statman, Illustration by Maxine Keyes Wise men have said that what is closest is also most distant. So for social and holistic learning, I sought a teacher as widely known as he is little understood.  From the hallowed halls of Butler to the fertile fields  of the […]

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Because of self-described “logistical complications”, the Winter 2007 edition of AdHoc could not be printed in Winter 2007. It is, however, now available online. Winter 2007, how we’ve missed thee! It seems like only yesterday that… …tents (and one especially hungry sea creature) were set up on the lawn …a doodle unable to be undid […]

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For those of you who opted to stay put this spring break and work on your thesis, go to your internship, or just to  avoid seeing your parents, we’ve compiled (a continually updating) list of activities to keep you busy. * designates free. Tonight: Mountain Goats and the Moaners @ Webster Hall 3/18 $18. (Note: […]

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While you sun yourselves in far-flung locales, remember, gentle readers, that the 2008 housing lottery waits for no one. In the spirit of steadfastness, we invite you for a brief sojourn back to East Campus.  A Brief Guide to East Campus, from someone who lives in Wien  Next door to the dilapidated honeycomb that is […]

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This April marks the 40th anniversary of the 1968 student protests at Columbia. (For a brief re-cap, you can read about Barnard’s Town Hall on ’68 here.) In order to commemorate the protests, the administration, along with several activist groups and student organizations, is organizing a three-day conference about the events. Channel all your false […]

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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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