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In which Bwog succumbs to a terrible case of false nostalgia.  Par for the course of other Barnard Townhalls, the lasanga, coffee and white tablecloths came out in full force for tonight’s discussion about student activism at Columbia in 1968. After a brief introduction by two SGA representatives announcing tonight’s speakers—Dean of the College Dorothy […]

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The Bwog presents you with another recommended potpourri of goings-on to explore this weekend.  Rustic smell/pinecone bits not included. (* indicates free, « indicates on-campus) THURSDAY New York Philharmonic with soprano Dawn Upshaw at Lincoln Center. See the NY Phil after their return from North Korea, with to-be Music Director Alan Gilbert conducting.  Repertoire includes Berio’s Folk […]

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The Wire

About two hours ago, members of the Barnard community received an email detailing the chilling aftermath of a not-really-successful mail fraud scheme. Apparently, one Barnard student became quasi-entangled in a web of money laundering and stolen identities after trying to sell some text books. The email reads: “On 2/28/2008, a Barnard College student reported that […]

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Bird Fever

As Bwog blossoms into an around-the-clock Morningside Heights bird-related news source, we present you with two stories of from the cold-hearted avian world. First, news of a hawk kill. Alex Weinberg reports that around 11 this morning, Hawkmadinejad “swooped down and ruined a squirrel in front of Avery.” Awesome. Hawkmadinejad photo, at right, by Alexandra […]

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Because of this email, it looks like Alidad Damooei has filed a complaint against the Krebs camp for illegal campaigning before Spring Break.  No comments from anyone right now, we’ll see soon what the Judicial Board does.  If Krebs and Ahmed are found guilty, this first violation would most likely result in 10% reduction in […]

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Dressing up to spend the night in your dorm Decomposing garbage in your dorm “Sailor-esque colors” Feminists breaking the glass ceiling of hipness And one unequivocally good trend: Judd Apatow stoner comedies. But before that, 6 paragraphs about relationship dramas.

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Whether for study or sleep, some of us wish the night would last just a little bit longer. With this in mind, Bwog presents a retrospective look at the most night-y night of recent memory. During the total lunar eclipse of February 20, Bwog’s polyhistoric daily editor Zach van Schouwen ascended the heights of Pupin […]

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In which… …John Jay lounge becomes a sex shop! And a classroom! …the LLC is cleft in two! …Columbia isn’t the only unethical landlord in Harlem!  …the homosexuals have infiltrated Iran! …a Bwog tip proves inaccurate!  

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Despite an official-ish interview with the Spectator on Saturday night, once-rumored CCSC contender Colin Drummond has decided not to traverse the depths of student council candidacy, according to Drummond camp officials.

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Tipster Stephen Wang informs Bwog that Alma Mater is going to be offering permanent email addresses for its illustrious, tech-savvy alums and seniors. Users will get to choose their own display name (!) and the emails will be able to “enjoy all the features of Google’s Gmail service while maintaining a Columbia address.” So a […]

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The Sound of Music

For careful listeners, the best soundtrack on campus is the rotation of Vampire Weekend, Radiohead and other indie darlings at Cafe 212. Bwog cultural correspondent Merrell Hambleton sits down with the man behind the mix. I find Café 212 manager Robert Bell working to hang up two small bulletin boards. “I’m actually doing something with […]

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You may have been wondering what happened the Wien Food Court, which closed last fall, and which had served juniors with bad lottery numbers greasy Chinese food for many years. It’s been revamped to house Columbia’s favorite health promotion program, along with Health Services’ administrative offices, which moved in last Friday. You no longer need […]

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  It does, apparently, make a sound. Or if not a sound, then certainly a mess. Pictured above are the remains of a tree felled during last night’s storm. Bwog forestry correspondent James Williams was there to snap a picture. Arbor action shot (a log in mid-air!) after the jump.

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A tipster forwarded Bwog editors an email sent at 2:48 AM last night by George Krebs’ prospective VP of Policy Adil Ahmed. Apparently, Ahmed had sent an email to various student leaders describing his plan for CCSC: “When a bold vision is combined with concrete plans, I know that we can put aside any doubts […]

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Bwog’s 2008 Election Correspondent Jim Downie is back with a very special Wednesday edition of Political Weekly. Your faithful blogger writes this at 2:30 AM for two reasons: first, because the final results in Texas are taking forever to come through, preventing a more prompt summary, and second, because he’s dedicated to you, the readers. […]

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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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