Just when we thought this place couldn’t get any more boring, all sorts of new minutiae decided to crop up! Spring is here-ish, new chairs abound, and Boringside Heights is serving up ice cream like it’s goin’ out of style. Midterms be damned—it’s a good time to be at Columbia.
- It’s aliveeeeee! Almost. Five Guys is one awning closer to opening and launching the most epic burger battle Boringside Heights has seen in years.
- A tipster spotted this Mister Softee truck on 115th and Broadway—that means spring is almost here!
- Nussbaum has introduced some new, modern-y chairs—perfect for sitting on while you check yourself out in those oddly convenient, yet embarrassingly vanity-inducing mirrors.
- More Nussbaum news: it’s finally warm enough to sit at the outdoor tables! This morning’s competition to snag a seat was particularly fierce.
- It’s been reported that Hewitt has a new ice cream freezer. On Friday afternoon, it featured Fudgsicles and orange Creamsicles. This is already making Bwog reminisce about our childhood (you know, back in 2006 when we were born).
- On the new chairs front, Community Food and Juice is also rumored to have new barstools. Check them out tomorrow while nursing a Bloody Mary at Sunday brunch.
@Innout doubledouble and fries plz
@Anonymous there is no competition. ¡¡¡FYVE GUIZ 4 LYFE!!!
@number 8 Can you use those baller reporting skills to find out WHEN I GET MY FIVE GUYS?
@One Guy woah woah calm down there vixen, u’re telling me i’m not enough for you?
@number 8 I just don’t feel the *spark* between us anymore…
@Wait, Morningside isn’t that boring…
@LBB'12 you must be new here, or you have never left morningside. Either one