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Posts Tagged with "five guys"

We know you’ve been waiting a long time for Bwog to finally weigh in on the “newcomer.” But really, the question of the best burger in Morningside is so much more complex than a petty squabble between Five Guys and Mel’s. Thus, we’ve taken our time to really get our shit together. Burgers are complicated. […]

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Five Guys has been unnervingly flaky. But worry no longer! They’re open for business, so get ’em while the getting’s good! Tell us how you feel (about the burgers, the opening, the state of the republic) in the comments! Update, 3:40 pm: Video coverage! Five Guys Opening from bwog on Vimeo.

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How many guys does it take to keep a door shut? None, just a chair apparently. But really, Five Guys has been closed for what seems like forever. We’ll give you updates as soon as we hear!

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Just when we thought this place couldn’t get any more boring, all sorts of new minutiae decided to crop up! Spring is here-ish, new chairs abound, and Boringside Heights is serving up ice cream like it’s goin’ out of style. Midterms be damned—it’s a good time to be at Columbia. It’s been reported that Hewitt […]

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Burgers, cookies, and salads—oh my! Few things are more important in the life of a Columbia student than eating a good meal. It’s an exciting week in the Columbia culinary world. Boringside Heights—all minutia, all the time.

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Our very own NoCo may have “the most elegant aluminum siding in America.” But seriously, people like it. (NYT) It really is hard out there for a pimp.  The internet is changing the face of the NYC sex trade, argues sociology prof Sudhir Venkatesh. According to one ex-pimp: “You learn one thing,” he said. “For […]

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Burger things are happening in your neighborhood! Mel’s Burger Bar now officially takes Flex, and the Space Formerly Known As Song’s Stationery (112th and BWay) is now affixed with a “Five Guys: Coming Soon” sign! It’s all happening!

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Give me Four Loko, or give me death!  Or at least don’t ban it. (Spec) In case you haven’t heard yet, we have a Five Guys coming!  Their burgers taste good. (DNAinfo) Peek into the lives of Jake and Marty La Salle CC ’07 under the big-top, on a new PBS series. (NYT) Democracy happened […]

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