If you give a squirrel some pizza… he’ll continue stealing slices until he makes his way into NYMag. At least, that’s what our latest animal celebrity has done, appearing on this week’s Approval Matrix squarely within the both “Despicable” and “Lowbrow” quadrant. We recognize that the path to fame and stardom is paved with danger, but recommend Mozzerodent get himself an agent pronto to resolve this little PR kerfuffle.
- Landing himself squarely in the “disapproval” section of the Approval Matrix
- Mozzerodent with prey
Scornful judgment via New York Magazine
@Anonymous are squirrels lactose intolerant?
@Anonymous I think the NY Times story about the temper tantrums thrown in the Obama comments is a bigger story than this…
@I'll gladly Blame the Messenger It’s no coincidence that Bwog now is trying to reform their comments policy. If they had a better moderation policy and were more willing to remove misogynistic comments in the first place, maybe we wouldn’t be in this stupid mess.
The Spec wasn’t the one spitting out massive amounts of vitriol.
@Amending my comment Spec commenters are just as idiotic and vitriolic as Bwog commenters.
@>vitriol Are you guys doing this on purpose or something?
@Anonymous ooooohh. you mean this one?
heyyo bwog, YOU FAMOUS NOW!!! and heyyo columbia kids, y’all look like a big bag of dicks. fare the well, the good work done by POTUS, for the angry quibbling of midterm-procrastinating bros in Butler 209 hast thus brought to light for the world to see our outstanding elitism
@Anonymous i don’t understand why every article on bwog needs to be so serious. its not like they decided to post this over the nytimes article.
@Anonymous For an easier read: http://nymag.com/arts/all/approvalmatrix/approval-matrix-2012-3-12/