Our contest is still active. Prizes may be won by submitting (to tips@bwog.com) before this coming Sunday.

These sound more like seniors, Alex S.

“it’s raining? I should just skip class.”

These were found littered about dorms on campus by Anonymous


Our new Barnard corespondent, Jonathan R.

At an impromptu Carman gathering on the first night of NSOP:

Guy 1: My best [guy] friend is really attractive.
Guy 2: So, are you gay?
Guy 1: If I were gay, would I have licked three girls at the Barnard Ice Cream Social?
Coping methods. From Anonymous:
I’m really hoping the conversation going on to the right of me is between freshman. They’re talking about u writing.”I’m socially awkward.”
“I wouldn’t consider you socially awkward. I’m awkward socially but I make up for it with enthusiasm. Because then its just cute. Like today I had a class with 14 people and we were supposed to talk, but I just sat there twiddling my thumbs. Twiddling my thumbs, I say that a lot.”
And now a chain of frat-related nonsense. Ignorance is bliss? via W.H.

this was in westside, about five pm

”I know it’s early, but I have a feeling that party in Beta is going to go down as one of the best nights of college”

So.. he didn’t ask? via Bernardo S. H.

“…it was super awkward cause the following morning he was in my Keeping Sex Sexy workshop.”

First hand account by Anonymous.

Just saw this crazy exchange outside beta house.

Beta guy: “Sorry dude, our president says you can’t come in?”

Other guy: “What, why?”

Beta guy: “This Beta party ends early for you.”

Guy’s friend: “What happened?”

Guy: “I went to the beta party a few days ago and it ended at 1 so I said, “Do Beta parties always end early?””
Friend: Sorry. *friend goes in*