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Posts Tagged with "NSOP contest"

First Prize, a box set of Literature Humanities books from Book Culture, goes to Laura H.T.: At the consent workshop, coming up (no pun intended) with ways to proposition someone. One group has a Harry Potter fetish: “I’ll show you 9 3/4.” Second prize, a six-pack and a slice of Koronet pizza, goes to Tanay […]

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Submissions are still coming in for our contest, which ends on Sunday.  So just keep your mouth shut till then and you won’t be embarrassed. Italians, cover your ears.  From Helen K. A group of elitist freshmen monopolizing the Westside cheese aisle: “Mozzarella?! No! That’s peasant food.” Sounds about right, Alex J. Drunk girl counting […]

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This overseen was found by tipster Tanay D. in the 13th floor of Mudd.  Gotcha!  Don’t forget that our overseen/heard contest is still active.

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Our contest is still active. Prizes may be won by submitting (to before this coming Sunday. These sound more like seniors, Alex S. “it’s raining? I should just skip class.” These were found littered about dorms on campus by Anonymous   Our new Barnard corespondent, Jonathan R. At an impromptu Carman gathering on the first […]

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NSOP may have come to an official close, but the orientation is only beginning for some. Luckily for you guys, we’ll be documenting it through tipsters’ submissions to our Overseen/heard Contest. Don’t forget to vote for your favorites in the comments! Here’s the next batch of the best of the best… A true Columbian welcome, from […]

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More NSOP Overheards

We’re still running our contest for NSOP Overheards (and Overseens! but no one has sent any pictures yet) and these are another batch of the best submissions. Because we’re sure that people don’t only say funny things during NSOP, we’re going to run the contest through this week until next Sunday. Reminder: the first prize […]

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NSOP Overseen/heard

Freshmen say the darndest things. It’s hard to walk around this campus (or read its blogs) without coming across something rather strange/funny/sad/privileged/offensive/squirrel-y. NSOP often times provides the most diverse selection of these overheard statements or overseen events, and so we want you to send them to us! The best submission will win a free boxset […]

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Every year news students arrive to campus a week early with spirits full of hope and minds primed for molding. Unfortunately, the earnest innocence doesn’t last long, as NSOP presents the first social and narcotic barriers to entry for the academic market, and that’s where we come in. Bwog loves observing the full spectrum of […]

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