Rainy Sunday mornings are for cozy hideaways and delectable pastries!

On a cold and rainy Sunday, after a tiresome Halloweekend, Sophia Blythe and Mila Noshrivani set off to the Hungarian Pastry Shop to do work, and of course, have some delicious food. 

Arriving as soon as they opened, we secured breakfast. Cappuccinos and croissants in hand, we found a seat in the back corner. We tore off a piece of the plain croissant and dipped it into our cappuccinos, a superior combination. We found that the croissant was even better with some butter and jam. Tucking into the almond croissant, we were immediately met with a buttery, flaky pastry, complete with silky marzipan in the middle. Paired with our cappuccinos, taking a bite, followed by a sip, was, honestly, the perfect breakfast. 

But wait! It doesn’t end there. After working for a couple of hours, we found ourselves hungry for some lunch. Together, we shared the spanakopita. The pastry was flaky, but, in our expert opinion, it could’ve used more feta. 

Just when you think it’s over, it’s not. We saw a moment of opportunity—NO LINE! We quickly scurried over to the register and ordered a hot chocolate and hot apple cider. Chef’s kiss. The hot chocolate was rich and sweet, but not overwhelmingly so, and silky, but not watered down. The hot apple cider was like a cup of fall, warming us up from the inside on this chilly. 

Overall, we rate our experience at the quintessential Morningside Heights bakery a ten out of ten. 

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