Maybe. Probably. But self-awareness is a key step to recovery. It’s high time for another snow penis. A tipster from high atop the battlements of Wallach sends this dramatic before/after sequence. The saga unfolded last night:
Says the tipster: I looked out the window to see that someone was writing a love note to “Caitlin.” Fifteen minutes later, the original artists had long disappeared and a penis had appeared in the message.
What bold participatory art! What a compelling juxtaposition of earthly and ethereal Aphrodite! Caitlin, you’re a lucky woman.
@hm bwog doesn’t just report on snow penises, i’m pretty sure it has a direct role in inspiring their creation.
@Anonymous Art imitates life
@You, sir, are a scientist.
@yea that’s definitely a bone not a penis.
@google earth it if you don’t believe me.
@Anonymous Google earth wouldnt have it so quick
@What? Blasphemy!
@Truth Have we really fallen so low as to use google earth as a verb?
@Anonymous No, it’s definitely a penis. If you compare the two sides, they would be identical if it were a bone. Instead, one side has a line perpendicular to the semicircle shaped round head of the penis while the other side is curved like a rounded w where the balls are.
@CC '12 I liked it better when I thought it was a bone
@Huh Doesn’t it say “I bone Caitlin” now?
@Anonymous Perhaps it’s now “I love penis, Caitlin”? Can’t spot the comma though.
@I believe it is to be read “I love to bone Caitlin”. The intentional ambiguity of the penis-form functions as a sort of visual pun. This way, the shape can be interpreted as an infinitive verb by describing a noun with a different meaning. I, for one, laud and envy the artist/author for his (let’s be real it’s a dude) ingenuity and skillful manipulation of conventional iconography with contemporary slang.