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Posts Tagged with "lawns"

It’s finally that time of year again!

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Ah, our lawns. Our beautiful, green, collegiate, bourgeois lawns. Always there for us, whether it stays locked and serves as eye candy (that’s shade to you, Hamilton lawn) or provides our butts with quality cushioning and free space. But what freshman might not know is that every winter, the administration covers these fields of glory with […]

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Bwog has a lot of feelings about institutional memory and history, especially after seeing Kill Your Darlings. So we’re doing #tbt: Columbia edition, with photos, text, and anecdotes from parents/professors/GS students who’ve been here too long. Have anything you’d like to see featured? Send it to tips or use our anonymous form. Senior Staff Writer Alexander […]

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Yesterday, we were (unsurprisingly baselessly)  concerned about the lawns. Photo on left via tipster Bruno R.M.

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Lawn Liberation

Just as spring break is beginning to reveal itself, so, too, are the lawns—six five weeks after Groundhog Day. Coincidence, conspiracy, or completely meaningless counting error? You decide, though it certainly hasn’t felt like winter the past couple weeks. Facilities is pulling back the tarps, right as it’s beginning to heat up—highs of 58 expected today, with temperatures […]

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Maybe. Probably. But self-awareness is a key step to recovery. It’s high time for another snow penis. A tipster from high atop the battlements of Wallach sends this dramatic before/after sequence. The saga unfolded last night:   Says the tipster: I looked out the window to see that someone was writing a love note to […]

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Oh, The Irony

Well, easy come easy go. With just one day left before the end of the semester, the tarp-less streak has come to an end as the South Lawn waved the white flag of surrender. Before we could get a response from Facilities regarding their absence, several tipsters informed us that the tarps were brought out […]

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From the largest interdisciplinary fortress to the tiniest of urban meadows, no news is irrelevant. It’s about the bigger picture. A broken chain has been spotted on Low Plaza, trespass while you can! There is construction going on outside Nussbaum & Wu, so there is no outside seating (perhaps irrelevant in these current climes) Butler […]

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Check out our dear friend Hawkma as he perches on that odd fence that has recently appeared on South Lawn. Evidently, while you may not be able to sit on the lawns for more than five minutes before a Public Safety officer shoos you away, Hawkma most certainly can. You go, Hawkma. Photo by Mason […]

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Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s ESC meeting. ESC reported that the tie in the freshman election was due to glitches in the voting system. After investigating the recent freshman election tie, the voting website only allowed student to select one class representative. This also explains the 14 vote tie between the two class rep […]

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As Bwog dragged our weary old feet out of Hamilton today, we saw three adorable lil’ rascals climbing the big tree over Hamilton lawn. They were a heart-warming bunch to say the least. Note abandoned bicycles and scooters at the bottom of the tree. Climb on, comrades!

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And for the first time this year, everyone is out on the East South Lawn taking advant—

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The benevolent gods of Columbia Facilities have chosen to smile down upon us today, stripping away the last of the tarps on Furnald Lawn and South Lawn. Usually we have to wait until the week before graduation for such a treat. Accuweather predicts a high of 58 today. To the lawns with you all!

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