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Posts Tagged with "llc"

Reminder: Tomorrow, February 6, at 9 am is the deadline for Living Learning Center applications for housing during the 2015-2016 school year. There are many perks to living in this welcoming community, as outlined by the student affairs website. For example: The opportunity to interact with students across all four class years Interactions with distinguished faculty, focused on […]

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Due to Columbia students’ penchant for dropping out at the last minute, there are now open seats at the LLC’s Dean-in-Residence Alumni Dinner and Discussion. The scrumptious dinner will be 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM today (11/26) at a secret location in the LLC (Location will be presumably sent out after RSVP). The dinner will be limited to the […]

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Join the staff and residents of the LLC for a winemaking workshop this evening from 5 to 7 pm in the lobby of Wallach. Grapes from local vineyards will be on hand for your stomping pleasure, and a sommelier will lead a tasting of California reds. An RA tipster promises, “there’ll be plenty left over […]

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Dearest First Years, By this time next year, most of you will be in McBain. Now, McBain is great! Unlike last year, you won’t have to weigh the principal disadvantage of Carman (the roommate) against that of John Jay (dirty floor bathrooms). McBain gives you both in a beautiful building that hasn’t been renovated since was “recently” […]

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Maybe. Probably. But self-awareness is a key step to recovery. It’s high time for another snow penis. A tipster from high atop the battlements of Wallach sends this dramatic before/after sequence. The saga unfolded last night:   Says the tipster: I looked out the window to see that someone was writing a love note to […]

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This is it, pre-frosh, the last housing review, just in time for your May 1st decision! Learn about Hartley and Wallach, the two dorms which together comprise the Living Learning Center (LLC). Combined with Carman, John Jay, and Furnald, it completes your housing options! Ask questions in the comments! Freak out more! Hartley and Wallach […]

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The maelstrom that is housing selection looms. Buy sandbags. Hoard fresh water and non-perishable, high calorie foods. Or just keep a few simple dates in mind: Housing and Residential Programs are hosting their first info session tonight at 7pm in the Carman Lounge, in order to answer room selection questions in person. There will be […]

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The soothing sound of gently tumbling water washed over sunbathers on Low Steps today as the fountains were turned on, managing to mostly cover up the Lit Hum classes stationed in rings on various patches of nearby grass, obnoxiously discussing Dostoyevsky. Meanwhile LLC residents were presented with brand new grass, unrolled in mats and liberally watered […]

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Ahhhhh Real Housing!

The LLC hopefuls heard this afternoon from Scott Helfrich, the Associate Director of Residential Programs. Those who like sprawling kitchens and want to emulate Jack Kerouac applied early to live in Hartley and Wallach, presenting recommendations from their RAs. Those lucky enough to have been allotted their first choice now avoid the stress and uncertainty […]

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Wallach floods again! Here’s a view from the stairwell, which looks sort of like all the worst horror movies ever morphed into one. Help!

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A visitor to the Livin’n’Learnin’ Center noticed something odd about a new poster welcoming students to Wallach 5. The floor’s new poster is ostensibly intended to help residents get to know New York by introducing them to all tha Big Applez‘ ethnic enclaves. You know, like the Upper West Side. The poster highlights neighborhoods across […]

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Housing buzz began this afternoon in earnest when prospective Living-Learning Center residents were emailed acceptance and rejection letters from Scott Helfrich, the Associate Director of Residential Programs. Helfrich, the man who determines the fates of rising sophomores determined not to end up in the McBain shaft and a few juniors and seniors who presumably just […]

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Bwog editor Chris Szabla writes in: “Did security invade anyone else’s EC room in the early [Saturday] morning hours to inspect something down on Morningside Drive?…” Chris first heard the security officers discussing what sounded like the source of some projectiles (“10-4, it’s the fourth window up, seventh one over”) before hearing a knock on […]

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Although it probably seems like much too early in the year to begin thinking about these things, the Housing Selection season officially began today with the release of next year’s LLC Applications.  Current upperclassmen will surely remember that traditionally, admittance into the preciously named Living-Learning Center has been highly competitive.  The number of applicants  rises […]

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From now until 5, every RA in Hartley and Wallach is giving out candy at their doors to trick or treaters.  Thanks Halloween for giving us another reason to visit the LLC besides getting that key replaced!

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