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Posts Tagged with "snow penis"

Maybe. Probably. But self-awareness is a key step to recovery. It’s high time for another snow penis. A tipster from high atop the battlements of Wallach sends this dramatic before/after sequence. The saga unfolded last night:   Says the tipster: I looked out the window to see that someone was writing a love note to […]

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When’s the Bris?

Ladies and gentlemen: the first snow penis of 2012, erected proudly in the lawn in front of Hartley.

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As Winter Wonderland part deux is in session, Columbia Dining hastily makes preparations for the frigid winter. Amidst transporting hot leftovers to starving brunch-goers, someone couldn’t keep up and spilled the beans. As the powdery chaos continues, Bwog can’t help but feel like this snow day is missing something.

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For those of you who have yet to open a window, it’s pretty darn snowy out. Bwog is excitedly lacing up our snowboots to go sledding in Riverside, but before we do, we have a winner to announce for our snow-pic snapping contest. The competition was fierce, but congratulations to tipster Lila Neiswanger, who sent […]

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Was it a man desperately trying to assert his diminishing virility by grand public spectacle? Was it a woman whose deep-seated resentment manifests itself with obsessive depictions of the enemy? Was it an inebriated freshman who wanted to do something to show his new friends that he could be cool too, brah? We’ll probably never […]

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Bloomberg loves that The New Yorker thinks only Bloomberg can love Bloomberg, but New Yorkers love Bloomberg, too. (Cityroom) Realizing how greatly the were outnumbered, Wal-Mart bailed on a City Council hearing regarding their own plans to open a store in East New York. (Gothamist, NYT) Since the New York City schools chancellor attends school-closing hearings, […]

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As you awake this morning to news of no snow day, we will attempt to comfort you with some cool pictures of Columbians frolicking around college walk (wearing varying degrees of appropriate snow clothes).

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3-D Is All The Rage

While you were studying and/or throwing snowballs, the members of John Jay 11 were making one of the better examples ever of winter overcompensation. Certainly more realistic than most of the stencils we’ve seen in past years.

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Snow Penis Alert!

And 2009 has officially begun. The snow penis is back, complete with a heart in time for Valentine’s Day. Thanks to Jason Patinkin for the photo, and thanks to Columbia for the memories. UPDATE: Apparently there’s another message in EC Courtyard – a message of love to Fruit Pauncher/Ferris Reel VP/all-around Bwog favorite Colin Drummond […]

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Oh well, seasons greetings everyone! The holidays have truly begun here at Columbia, as snow fun took a classically phallic turn. Masterful, simply masterful. Thanks to Mason Fitch and Pierre Gergis for being so vigilant about looking out for this special moment. 

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On a recent snow day, our correspondent Ady Barkan found the definitive proof that going to business school is a whole load of cock.

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