Last night was the last GSSC meeting of the year and our beloved Bureau Chief Romane Thomas’ last coverage. We will miss you, Romane and GSSC! Last night, General Studies Student Council met in the Satow room to review the constitution and launch the GSSC App. President Larosa started us off by announcing that the […]
Last night, in a room packed with students, General Studies Student Council voted on the GS Senator’s potential impeachment and heard from students about proposals for co-sponsorships. GSSC dove right into the addressing the proposal to impeach Ramond Curtis, Senator of GS. Although many members of GSSC were absent due to religious holiday and other various […]
GSSC last night lasted until 11:30pm and Bureau Chief Romane Thomas has all the details on how intense it was. At last night’s General Studies Student Council, things got ugly. But before getting down in the nitty gritty of elections and the upheaval they caused, some other updates must be addressed. GSSC President Larosa reminded […]
Learn what happened last night at GSSC with our bureau chief, Romane Thomas. Yesterday night, General Studies Student Council met in the Satow room to discuss student services, representation at the Black Students Organization and upcoming student events. President Larosa announced that elections would start today at 10am. VP of Policy Silin Huang updated the […]
Find out what’s new in this week’s GSSC with bureau chief Romane Thomas. Last night, General Studies Student Council got bwog pumped up about the GS Gala, swipe access and mental health initiatives. President Larosa started out by announcing that registrations for the upcoming elections were closed and that a mandatory rules meeting will take […]
GSSC Bureau Chief Romane Thomas provides the scoop on what GSSC talked about in this week’s meeting, which includes gala ticket confusions and mental health issues. Last night, General Studies Student Council met in the Lerner Satow Room to clear up confusion about gala tickets and announce some upcoming events. Silin Chan and Raisa Flor, […]
GSSC’s meeting yesterday was quite a ride! Bureau Chiefs Romane Thomas and Jennifer Nugent report on all the ups and downs. Last night, GSSC talked food insecurity, senior cruise and appointments. First up, GS Senator Curtis updated the council about the food bank. He praised Michael Higgins for his work to get the food bank […]
Last night, General Studies Student Council updated the GS community about upcoming events and new positions. First President Larosa spoke about his progress in regards to securing Lerner space for student groups like student unions or LGBT groups. He explained that Lerner staff were hesistant to give any space toward identity focused group. Each representative […]
Last night General Studies Student Council hosted a town hall where many crucial issues were discussed including mental health initiatives, stress culture at Columbia, and representation of marginalized groups. President Larosa started by giving his own update about the intiatives for mental health that the council had been working on. He explained that the council […]
Columbia hosted a lecture featuring Yadh Ben Achour, a member of the UN Human Rights Committee that focused on women’s rights in Tunisia and the making of a new constitution that ensures equality under law. Gender equality is only the beginning for Tunisia and other countries that are taking steps towards social modernization. In the […]
Last night, GSSC met in the Satow room on Lerner’s fifth floor and, among other things, efficiently voted on a new budget. VP of Finance Jacob Case went through the new budget of this spring semester. He explained that the budget had increased due to an unexpected rise of student numbers. With this new cash […]
GSSC became the first student council to convene in 2017 last night with a short, sweet, and informative meeting. Romane Thomas and Jennifer Nugent were in attendance as always, to provide you with the highlights. Last night, General Studies Student Council met for a total of 18 minutes for a welcome back meeting that unfolded […]
We were graced last night with another GSSC meeting! As usual, Romane Thomas and Jennie Nugent are here to provide us with the most important updates. GSSC covered Disabilities Awareness Day, the Tree Lighting Ceremony, and the council retreat, among other topics. Senator Curtis spoke about the events organized for Disabilities Awareness Day. On December 3, […]
Bwog’s GSSC Bureau Chiefs Romane Thomas and Jenny Nugent are here with updates from Tuesday’s meeting! Last night, GSSC talked about its constitution, disabilities awareness, and the upcoming food bank. At the start of the meeting, President Larosa and the council quickly approved the updated version of the CEB constitution. GS Senator Curtis then started speaking […]
Happy Wednesday! Last night, General Studies Student Council met to discuss puppies, Thanksgiving, and the New York Times, amongst other issues. Bwog GSSC Bureau Chiefs Romane Thomas & Jenny Nugent are here with the updates. The president started this week’s meeting with a policy update. GSSC, along with ESC, CCSC, and CEB, are currently working […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025