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Late last night we got a tip about an attack from the War on Fun (it’s back) that occurred at Saturday night’s Snowball Fight. We present the story to you in full: Okay so in the middle of the snowball fight last [Saturday] night, a few dedicated souls opted to forgo the catharsis of violently […]
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We’re officially in the last business week of finals. To remind you why you all came here/get you back to your roots, our Actual Wisdom storyteller tonight is Christia Mercer, a modern day Homer.  Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer: Why do you think I exist? Claim to fame: Fame is a relative […]
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It’s finals and things are kinda dark. But why not cheer up with some musical stylings from the lovely boys of SHARP? Throughout the week, as you’re taking finals, we’ll give you some quick study breaks featuring the talented musical groups at Columbia. Here, SHARP honors the greatest musical genius of our time, featuring a […]
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Everyone forgets about junior year. Freshman year is for #COLLEGE, sophomore year is for slumping, and senior year is for #COLLEGE round two. But what about junior year? Bwog’s got you covered. Here’s everything you need to get done before ohmyGodI’maseniorhow’dthathappenI’msoOLD. Embrace the Ennui Change your sophomore “no fucks given” attitude to the more positively phrased […]
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Last night y’all screamed for Primal Scream, one of the few traditions we keep up here at this fine university, along with losing our minds during finals seasons, writing weirdly aggressive passive aggressive notes, and misplacing brownstones. This year, the Class of 2014 attempted a new tradition, with about 30 seniors gathering at Alma to […]
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In our continuing series of midyear Senior Wisdoms for midyear graduates, we bring you Kyla Cheung, who’s been working on her Senior Wisdom for years.  Seriously. Name, Hometown, School: Kyla, Jersey, Barnumbia Claim to fame? Ha, “fame.” Mmhm. Okay. I suspect I got nominated for this because I started writing parts of this Senior Wisdom years ago. […]
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While our past staffer schedules have revolved around our rather unproductive weekends, Senior Staff Writer Julia Goodman brings the Class of 2018 her average Monday. 7:00 am: My alarm goes off. Ugh…five more minutes… 7:05 am: My alarm goes off again. 7:10 am: And again. 7:15 am: And again. Time for the most difficult decision […]
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Whether today is your ticket to freedom or the beginning of a new wave of finals, Bwog invites you to hop in bed with us for a few minutes before you start your Monday. Oh, you thought we meant that in a sexual way? Get your mind out of the gutter. This is about cuddling […]
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Some of you more cultured Bwoggers may have heard of this thing called Columbia Admirers. The on-again, off-again, on-again (limited time offer) Facebook page has been the subject of many anonymous confessions and declarations of “dat ass.”  Today BwogSex and Columbia Admirers brings you a story of daring heroics and steamy finishes. As always, send in any and all […]
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In honor of all the papers being written this week (inb4 SEAS complaints—we know, we know! You’re working much harder than all of us combined!) paired together with the extreme thirst apparent on CU Admirers, let’s talk about sex. We’ve already determined how CC and LitHum authors are in bed, but how about us lowly […]
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For today’s Actual Wisdom, we have Bruce Robbins, of previous and expansive Bwog fame. You know it’s a good sign when they already have a Bwog tag to their name. Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer: Justify my existence? Can’t be done. When people all around me are getting stonewalled or downsized, why […]
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If all you wanna do is scream, here’s how to do it. Reposted for your auditory pleasure, the extra-comprehensive guide on letting it loose. Finals got you down? Then you can verbally vent your frustrations by participating in the Primal Scream. The guide for noobs: If your clock or watch is not auto-synced to the […]
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This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can even (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
October 10, 2024
This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can actually (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
October 10, 2024
This is crazy because I also went apple picking! (read more)
Field Notes: Apple Edition
October 8, 2024

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