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A letter from editor emeritus Taylor Grasdalen: It is with great sadness that I tell you that I am leaving Bwog. Personal circumstances have necessitated my leaving Barnard, Columbia, and New York. Consequently, I have to forfeit my role as Editor in Chief. I knew I would join Bwog from the day I was hit […]

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You’ve done it. You’ve completed your final year of college, or your first, second, or third. A lot has happened in these months since late August, and Editor in Chief Taylor Grasdalen reviews them for you here. (And wrote her own byline.) Enjoy and remember. September ushered in controversy and action, from the Students for Justice […]

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Recent months have brought low-income students’ straits to the attention of the greater campus and administration. Bwog Editor in Chief Taylor Grasdalen reports on the issue of food accessibility and what Columbia University students are doing to fix it. Two weeks ago, the Columbia First-Generation Low-Income Partnership (FLIP) launched a campaign to promote their “Microfund,” intended to assist Columbia […]

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After an arduous week of deliberation and contest, Bwog has decided to endorse The Community Party for a Better Tomorrow in its run for Columbia College Student Council. This is not a resolution that came lightly, it must be noted, but was made after innumerable meetings with candidates for all councils and Senate, as well as […]

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On Tuesday night, The Current hosted what their editor in chief referred to no fewer than three times as a “groundbreaking” discussion about the psychology of pedophilia. Thrilled just to be invited, Bwog’s own Editor in Chief Taylor Grasdalen attended to learn more. Trigger warning: mild discussion of sexual abuse. I’ve never given pedophilia much thought. […]

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Bacchanal has already sold out. However, many members of the Columbia community are upset about this year’s new charge for the show, which limits the amount of concert-goers this year to just 4,000 — excluding most graduate students and outsiders. Editor in Chief Taylor Grasdalen and Managing Editor Courtney Couillard report on the situation. For the first time […]

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Last night, we were invited to President Bollinger’s first undergraduate fireside chat of the semester. Editor in Chief Taylor Grasdalen attended, and reports back here. (Please note that Internal Editor Britt Fossum also went, having won a seat by submitting the question “Do you read Bwog?”) I must acknowledge that this was not my first Fireside […]

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On Thursday night, the Varsity Show cast and crew put on their best black leggings and presented a preview of what we might expect come May. This took place in the very happening Diana Center Events Oval. Although they both very enthusiastically attended, Taylor Grasdalen primarily writes this review, with contributions from Mason Amelotte. We […]

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Bwog Editor in Chief Taylor Grasdalen discusses the recent news. On Wednesday, February 11, Columbia undergraduates received emails from their schools’ deans alerting them to a new sexual respect program. The “University Initiative on Sexual Respect and Community Citizenship,” as Deans Valentini and Boyce refer to it — or Dean Awn’s gentler “Sexual Respect: Engaging […]

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Recently we learned about one Barnard student whose medical complications have taken her out of school and uprooted her life. Editor Taylor Grasdalen spoke with her to learn more. Molly Mittler entered Barnard College as a first-year in August of 2014. Just one day before orientation, Molly had a concussion and chose to follow up by scheduling to […]

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In the interest of full disclosure, Bwog has reformulated our Standards and Practices. As a publication we aim to honestly report events without bias or judgment and these new practices reflect that aim. These standards are formed with consideration given heavily to and adapted from the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics, a group […]

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Dear Columbia — to our fans, part-time fans, naysayers, haters, and our primarily unruffled, ambivalent readership — we’ve had a strong semester. I say “strong” because it was not quite a good semester but a powerful one, passionate and encouraging. If sometimes too apologetic, you can’t negate our — Bwog’s — interest in the activity we’ve seen […]

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What’s going on at two in the morning after the first day of reading week? The Starbucks on 110th Street is closed; the Starbucks on 113th is open. There are many more drunk students making their way home, Public Safety vans prowling. Undergraduate ladies in very high heels and bare legs, and guys in sweatpants with […]

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Taylor Grasdalen goes on a walk and thinks about some things. It is six in the morning. Morningside Heights is sleeping, but there are to see massive and stretched bags of trash on the streets, taxi drivers falling asleep at their wheels, winter citrus rolling from its display at Westside Market. It’s very beautiful at […]

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Bwog recently faced the challenge of the minimalist pantry in Chopped: Bleak But Flavorful Edition, and now we’re back at it. We entered one frantic Furnald snacker’s kitchen for another grueling round of making something out of gruel nothing. This week, we are proud to present Chopped: Chicken And A Triscuit Edition, where we turn the inexplicable remnants […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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