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Posts Tagged with "sexual assault at columbia"

Earlier today, hundreds of people took to Low Steps with mattresses and banners in support of survivors of sexual assault and in protest of the Columbia administration’s mishandling of the issue. The Day of Action and rally were part of the Carry That Weight campaign, a national movement started by activists at Columbia to support survivors […]

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Be sure to order the new mattress heartthrob Ashton Kutcher claims to be comfy (via his generous investments). Does sleeping on the same latex bed product as him mean that you can brag to friends you’ve slept with Ashton? (Fortune) Newest publication from a feminist American Canadian author Barnard women are sure to rave about! (New York […]

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“Rape shouldn’t be part of the college experience.” “Red tape won’t cover up rape.” Earlier this week, No Red Tape delivered this letter to President Bollinger, proposing further reforms to Columbia University’s most recent sexual assault policy. Today, they’re holding a “Stand With Survivors” demonstration until 3, where student and alumni survivors are sharing their […]

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Princeton’s newspaper, The Daily Princetonian, published a piece on a male Columbia student suing the University for unjust trial and punishment during a sexual assault investigation in Spring 2013. The student, referred to as John Doe in the suit, criticizes the University, saying that he was unfairly treated in a sexual assault case carried out by Columbia […]

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In the last week, campuses around the country have been reeling over an increased focus on sexual assault, and publications from all fronts have addressed the topic. Here at Columbia, the past seven days have featured lists of four alleged rapists in bathrooms in Hamilton, Lerner, and Butler. On the morning of May 14, according to […]

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Columbia is on CNN again, and this time, it’s not for something funny. Remember when we spotted CNN setting up for an interview in front of Philosophy Hall? As it turns out, they were interviewing three Columbia sexual assault victims. Hear their stories:

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What exactly is SGA doing about the recent sexual assault issues on campus? What’s going on with the SJP banner situation? Barnard Bearoness Lauren Beltrone went to Monday’s SGA meeting to find out. In response to the recent sexual assault issues on campus, SGA created the subcommittee on sexual assault and gender based misconduct earlier […]

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On Monday, three members of the Barnard/Columbia faculty came to the SGA meeting to discuss issues regarding sexual violence response and rape crisis within the CU community. Bwogger Lauren Beltrone reports. ***Trigger Warning: Discussion of sexual assault policy, and issues of sexual assault and gender-based sexual misconduct on campus***  Amy Zavadil, Associate Dean for Equity […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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