Because we feel that we haven’t given Sunil Gulati, Principles of Economics professor, his due, Bwog decided to throw him a line and post an economics lesson he taught recently. There’s some complicated math involved, but it all adds up to everyone going to the Varsity Show. So, if Gulati says it (along with a slew of […]
Columbia got word last week that a whopping eight professors scored the ultra-prestigous Guggenheim fellowships, which will allow them to take the year off and work on individual projects. Because the only thing Bwog loves more than to revel in Columbia’s collective whininess about workload is to revel in Columbia’s collective bragging rights, we followed […]
Dr. Dre lets Coachella fans know that Tupac is not rising from the dead again. It was just that one time, got it? (WSJ) Chris Christie may have ruined his political career irrevocably by attempting to get some shut-eye during a Boss concert. (Mediaite) The press discovers some of the skeletons in Columbia’s Manhattanville contracting […]
Bwog heard some prospies on the steps today debating the comparative merits of oral sex versus cheese. This means one thing—time for the annual handing down of wisdom. Senior wisdoms are back. We’re starting off with Bwog Weather‘s own, Zak Dychtwald. Nominate wise elders by emailing with their name and a short note of recommendation. […]
The results of last year’s survey of undergrads, courtesy of the CSA Assessment Team, went public tonight—and the numbers are overwhelmingly good. You can check out a more comprehensive summary here, or just skim our highlights as you halfheartedly Apple+Tab between Reddit subpages: Of the 5,922 CC and SEAS students sent the survey link by […]
The Men’s and Women’s Tennis teams, which have both enjoyed outstanding seasons, finished their final Ivy League matches with a bang today. The squads pulverized Penn, with the Women winning 6-1 and the Men a resounding 7-0. With two wins this weekend, the Men’s Tennis team remains in the hunt for the Ivy League title […]
Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this week are below and the full list is after the jump. Recommended “Thought Leadership Forum on the Future of the City” Monday, […]
Bwog will be expecting you tonight at 7 pm in Lerner SGO for one of our last meetings of the year. And be warned: Bwog gets what it wants. So don’t disappoint us and make us eat all that free food ourselves. Bring pitches, nebulous ideas for finals content, and as many friends as you […]
It seems like just yesterday that Bwog was announcing the launch of the Core Scholars program, in which overachievers like us submit creative works inspired by Core texts to win fame and glory. Well, as some core author might have said, time flies when you’re having fun. Ladies and gentlemen, your winners: 2012 CORE SCHOLARS […]
The bizarre story of a Times reporter who tracked down another man with the same name comes to an end. (NY Times) Is Sarkozy on his way out? We report, the French decide. (Associated Press) A roundup of yesterday’s Coachella action. Yeah, that’s still going on. And yes, this blatantly has nothing to do with […]
Lost a Blackberry Bold from Verizon Wireless at ADP on Saturday night. If found please email or call 601-994-3697. There will be a $$ reward!!
'but what about straight bwog?' you ask. we don't know what you're talking about. there is no straight bwog. straight bwog is a figment of your imagination
95% of bwog could probably go to this
free food! what kind of free food? we don't know! but free food!!
we sincerely hope this open house is nothing like spring awakening. except for the singing. and the dancing. and the gay kissing scene.
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Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025