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Posts Tagged with "barnard housing crisis"

Barnard’s Dean of the College Avis Hinkson sent an email to all Barnard students yesterday updating them on the College’s plans to to avoid a housing crisis similar to the one Barnard finds itself in right now, and in anticipation of an inevitable re-shuffling of room assignments this spring. AHinks writes: Now that the semester is well […]

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As previously reported, UAW Local 2110, which includes workers on staff at Barnard, has a major beef about proposed changes to their contracts.  Tonight at 7:30 in the Ella Weed Room (room 223) in Milbank, the newly-formed “Students Support Barnard Workers” group will be holding their first event, Teach-in: Student-Worker Solidarity at Barnard.  The president […]

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Barnard’s weekly Student Government Association meeting happened last night, amidst much debate regarding the housing crisis and meeting transparency. Our congressional correspondent Renée Kraiem writes. Last night Rep Council converged upon the Mehlor Parlor of Barnard’s Elliott Hall, an ironically apt meeting room for the evening’s main event, a discussion forum for airing complaints about […]

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SGA’s Housing Advisory Board (HAB) just sent us this forthcoming letter to Barnard students. Highlights: There are still nine students who have not moved off-campus and have not yet received on-campus housing. HAB considered the possibility Housing would convert Plimpton corner singles to doubles, “but never felt that it would prove necessary.” HAB is concerned […]

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Update, 2:30 am: We read the email a few times, talked to some tipsters, and came to the following conclusions: The policy for returning students was changed in February, before any of the stuff that Dean Hinkson mentions as unexpectedly causing the shortage. The deadline for study abroad, yield numbers (which show how many new […]

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The Barnard housing crisis just got worse: we now know that Barnard students who went on leave signed contracts guaranteeing housing—only to return and find those guarantees gone. Bwog has obtained evidence indicating that Barnard violated returning students’ housing contracts earlier this year by changing the terms, and revoking their promised guaranteed housing. Our tipster, who […]

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Update, 6:16 pm: Dean Hinkson just sent us this statement: The policy was changed last February (2012) due to more and more returning students requesting housing, and overall, more students opting to stay on campus instead of seeking off-campus housing. Even so, we are making every effort to accommodate as many students as we can […]

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Late last week, we learned that Barnard students returning from leave or transferring in will probably have to live off-campus, which could mean the loss of some financial aid and on-campus housing the year after. We reached out to Dean Hinkson to hear the Barnard administration’s side of the story. Upside: Barnard students might not be […]

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Barnard has a severe housing shortage. On Wednesday, residents learned that Plimpton rooms which in the spring were singles will this fall be doubles. Today, a student forwarded us an email from Barnard Res Life explaining that Barnard students returning from leave, and possibly transfers as well, may not get on-campus housing at all—may be […]

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The Y (which is very much not the YMCA). Plimpton residents, you could have it worse. Barnard really, really, lacks space. A tipster forwarded us this “email [that] students received who are returning from time off, and (possibly) all transfers also.” The email opens ominously: Thank you for applying for on-campus housing and for your […]

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The following email was forwarded to Bwog: From: Residential Life & Housing <> Date: Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 11:58 AM Subject: Important email re: your Plimpton room assignment Dear [redacted] We are writing to you today because you are a resident of ##A# Plimpton (a corner room) with difficult news to share so close […]

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