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Hawkma was found lounging on a balcony of John Jay yesterday, a spot that she tends to visit often now. Meanwhile, earlier tipsters spotted her hawkadinnerjad, “a substantially-sized bone picked clean outside of Hartley.” Take heed, residents of the general area; Hawkma might have moved on to bigger things.
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Bwog happened upon a freshman living in an upperclassman dorm who doesn’t have a meal plan and wasn’t pre-registered for Core classes—what’s going on here? That’s what we were wondering, too. Chief Freshperson Scrutineer Alexandra Avvocato investigates. Bwog: So I hear rumors that you’re currently living in Broadway. How exactly did that happen? Forgotten Freshman: […]
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If you don’t feel like going to class, there’s still plenty for you to do today. You missed a chance to bike through New York City with Kenneth Jackson’s History of New York class, although you may consider motorcycling. (WSJ, NYPost) Speaking of pedaling, Columbia’s decided to moderate staff benefit cuts it announced in April. […]
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Our fearless leader PrezBo is an image-conscious guy. The programs he promotes, people and dignitaries he associates with, and swanky parties he throws all work together for a purpose: to extend his personal brand of badass, “do it live,” presidency. To that end, his office released a new outward-facing portrait this year. Using all of his Art […]
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Prison activist, hop hop artist, slam poetry champion, and author Bryonn Bain (CC’ 95), performed Lyrics from Lockdown last night at Miller Theatre. Through a combination of audio and visual expression, Bryonn vividly tells the story of his wrongful incarceration by the NYPD while he was a second-year law student at Harvard. Mahima Chablani reports. After a screening […]
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Come to our meating tonight, and see how the sausage is made. All peoples are welcome. There will be food. 7pm, Lerner SGO. Tasty Snacks via Wikimedia Commons
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Found: Umbrella

Found in the Schapiro Computer Lab on September 24th. Email
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Black T-Mobile Blackberry Pearl 8220 Either lost in Ferris Booth or Pupin 301 on Sep 22 If found, please email
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Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this week are below and the full list is after the jump. We’re still experimenting with different formats, so if you have […]
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Overheard: “It’s so hard to run with a broomstick between your legs!” It is as of yet unclear if those reports have any connection to the pick-up Quidditch game now taking place on South Lawn.
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Wait, Really?

Overheard near the John Jay lawn: Guy: ”My teacher was actually in a porno…” Hat tip to VU Glamor Shot via Wikipedia  
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For a second time, that is. HBO original series Boardwalk Empire paid the MTA three Columbia tuitions to run 1920’s era subway trains on the 2/3 line to publicize the show’s fall premiere. The promotion ends today, however, at 6pm. Now, simply find an excuse to go downtown. Thanks to various tipsters for photos
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Please renovate and expand the lobbies, lounges, and common spaces, especially in the freshman dorms. Bring back the chandeliers, wood (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 20, 2024
a much anticipated review! thanks for sharing ur pov!!! (read more)
Qahwah House On Broadway: Review And Recommendations
September 19, 2024
this is such a great article! (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 19, 2024
Building inspections are a scam. Back in 2010 contractors reported little old ladies for illegal basements and the next day (read more)
Bwoglines: Typhoons And Media Tycoons Edition
September 19, 2024

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