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Posts Tagged with "harry potter"

Staff Writer Jake Torres attended CMTS’ 24 Hour Musical: A Very Potter Musical on Sunday, March 27th at 11 am in the Lerner Party Space and it was just as fun and hectic as one would expect!

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Deputy News Editor Nicki Camberg, Daily Editor Bannon Beall, and Senior Staff Writer Daniel Ortega-Venni analyzed your favorite characters from childhood and placed them all within the CUCU (the Columbia University Cinematic Universe). 

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Tipster informs us that, after days of speculation, Daniel Radcliffe is on College Walk RIGHT NOW filming Kill Your Darlings, where he plays Allen Ginsberg.  Run out and see him, kids! Photo courtesy of Brian Wu, SEAS ’15

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Two younglings approach Lerner from the Furnald side, gazing excitedly through the glass façade: Kiddo 1: “Woah! How do you get in?” Kiddo 2: “It looks like a maze!” Kiddo 1: “I could just like, run… up the stairs” Kiddo 2: “But it’s like… a ramp?” Don’t worry guys, we don’t understand it either. Hunt […]

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As you’ve probably noticed, a main staircase in Lerner has been broken since last week, making the irritating trek from the ground floor to the package center a nauseating ramp-circling odyssey. We thought that the stairs might only be closed for a day or two, but now that the repairs are stretching into their second […]

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The Columbia club scene is a mixed bag—and no, we don’t mean Campo Cloud 9 Saturdays. We mean, like, student clubs. Bwog’s Clubbin‘ feature is here to introduce you to some of the most eclectic of the group. In this edition, Bwog’s Designated Driver Wannabe Wizard Zach Kagan mounted his Firebolt and caught up with […]

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A Ruggles resident, also responsible for last year’s inflatable tube man meets party streamer french fries, created another art installation. It kind of reminds us of an an iridescent worm or a rogue shower curtain. Maybe a wisp of pensieve escaping as our beloved dorm dies, while its windows trap its noble spirit to linger […]

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Overheard: “It’s so hard to run with a broomstick between your legs!” It is as of yet unclear if those reports have any connection to the pick-up Quidditch game now taking place on South Lawn.

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Dr. W. Ian Lipkin, master virus hunter and a professor at the Mailman School of Public Health, is featured in the Times for his mad virus skills. (NYT) Someone put a “9 3/4” train sticker on a sign for the 14th st.-Union Square subway station. The MTA is not expected to provide service to Hogwarts, […]

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What do we do up here? (NYU Local) MTA faked inspections. Safety first? (Gothamist) What’s so great about gold, anyway? (NPR) How much cash money can Harry Potter make in one day? A lot. (NY Daily News)

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The staff of the Harvard Crimson is concerned our Social Experiment will backfire, causing vicious competitive tension which will destroy any existing social cohesion at Columbia. (Harvard Crimson) NYU’s neighbors are concerned that its plans to add an additional 3 million square feet of space in Greenwich Village are not a good thing. NYU’s president […]

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The neighborhood seems to be getting a face-lift this week. Perhaps you did not notice? Bwog did! The Starbucks espresso machine that had broken down, causing considerable distress, has now been repaired. Hartley lounge is is getting new windows. Everything is covered in plastic and the doors have been locked for days… The main entrance […]

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Columbia inexplicably fails to put a front-page story on their website about Vampire Weekend. Meanwhile, Spec takes the low road and calls a Barnard swipe story “Easy Access.” Further downtown, it turns out that the guy from Harry and the Potters has nothing interesting to say. Community Board 9 is up in arms about a […]

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Just kidding. We didn’t even peek.  Anyway, Harry Potter 7 comes out at 12:01 am Saturday morning. But you knew that already. If not from little siblings or nerdy friends, it’s probably from the fact you, yourself, are a HP freak and have joined Facebook’s Admit It, You Wish You Went to Hogwarts!, or I Trust […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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