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Professor Kenneth Jackson, clad in spandex and a safari vest, led some 300+ students from his History of New York class on the annual Midnight Bike Ride this past Friday morning. Beaming with Columbia pride not seen since COOP, the cyclists drew confused looks from tourists and jaded New Yorkers alike. In fact, the Wall […]
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Purdue becomes the first of the 27 schools pursuing construction of a NYC science campus to drop out of the running. (WSJ) Le Monde (the French magazine, not the restaurant you eat at when your parents visit) is fascinated by Barnard and education at an all girls’ school. Oh, can’t read French, can’t you? Well […]
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Goodnight, Sunshine

We aren’t due to see the Sun again til Friday, so hang on to this picture of the last of it from earlier this evening.
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Columbia only truly excels at one sport–protesting. Not only are we good at it, but it’s probably our only event with more than a dozen spectators at any given time. And, boy, has this week has been a doozy… Below you can find links to our coverage in case you missed out on any of […]
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Talk politics over tea, but talk international relations over Indian food. There will be an abundance of Indian provisions at tonight’s meeting of the CU International Relations Forum in 602 Hamilton at 9 pm. Picture to the lame caption via Wikimedia
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B&W Meeting

Hello Friends, Join the editors and staff at the Blue and White meeting tonight at 9 in St. Paul’s Chapel. There will be food. Affectionately, The Editors
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Does this look familiar? The answer to that question is an emphatic YES. We still don’t know who they are, or how/whether we are to interpret their movements, if they are indeed the same people. Feel free to help us figure this one out.
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Rodent Aficionados Michael Menna and Lauren Beck investigate the presence of the conspicuous rodent that occasionally greets you outside the gates of 116th on your way to class. Last week, Bwog spotted rats on Broadway. While not the only rodents seen in Morningside, the rats at Columbia’s gate may have been the largest. Twelve feet […]
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Without even an announcement, the powers that be have seriously revamped the Dodge Fitness Center! Bwog thought the changes were so substantial they deserved more than a mere Boringside mention. Last week, we (Emily) posted on how to comport yourself in Pupin’s congested underbelly, and, sure enough, the space was promptly spruced. Pure speculation: perhaps the […]
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Hawkma was found lounging on a balcony of John Jay yesterday, a spot that she tends to visit often now. Meanwhile, earlier tipsters spotted her hawkadinnerjad, “a substantially-sized bone picked clean outside of Hartley.” Take heed, residents of the general area; Hawkma might have moved on to bigger things.
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Bwog happened upon a freshman living in an upperclassman dorm who doesn’t have a meal plan and wasn’t pre-registered for Core classes—what’s going on here? That’s what we were wondering, too. Chief Freshperson Scrutineer Alexandra Avvocato investigates. Bwog: So I hear rumors that you’re currently living in Broadway. How exactly did that happen? Forgotten Freshman: […]
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If you don’t feel like going to class, there’s still plenty for you to do today. You missed a chance to bike through New York City with Kenneth Jackson’s History of New York class, although you may consider motorcycling. (WSJ, NYPost) Speaking of pedaling, Columbia’s decided to moderate staff benefit cuts it announced in April. […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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