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QuickTix spreads the mission of the TIC far and wide. Every two weeks we tell who’s buying which tickets, both on and off-campus. Every once in a while, around this time of year, they get a ton of action and the lines in Lerner lobby can get a little hectic. The organizers of the Varsity […]
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Free Scoop, Dawg!

Snoop Dogg has said, “When I’m not longer rappin’, I want to open up an ice cream parlor and call myself Scoop Dogg.” But CCSC isn’t willing to wait that long. Instead, they’re out on Vam Am Quad right now until 8 pm, handing out free ice cream, funnel cake, and the last of the […]
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Today is the greatest day in the world—the day the noble Prince William marries his college sweetheart, the “commoner” Kate Middleton. It’s a story of love triumphing over society that has captured the hearts of Brits, admirers of royalty, and of course the media, from British tabloids and American gossip mags to the New York Times. It’s […]
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In today’s EcoConch, we take you to Barnard! Perhaps you haven’t heard, but a recent streak of flagrant and wanton littering has hit the school hard. To combat this problem, Barnard decided to…spread fliers all over? That’s right, they spread ironically green anti-litter fliers all over the floor. So, EcoReps, we call on you! Tell […]
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In this week’s Cooking With Bwog, resident snack chef Matt Powell serves up something even the least culinary competent can easily create! It’s tough work to be a full-time foodie. It takes a lot of time: time to grocery shop, time to menu plan, time to cook, time to eat. So what happens when the foodie […]
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Update, 3:36 pm: Protesters claimed  “The NYPD was going to arrest them,” so they’re now at the base of the steps. According to one tipster, they’re “making a lot of random noise.” One male is yelling noises—not words—into a microphone. A female has a cello. Remember those anti-ROTC protesters? They’re back! About 20 people are […]
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V117 premieres tonight! Their trailer (as imagined by CUMB) boasts POWER, LUST and Godzilla footage. Check out our review of the preview, and a brief history of the Varsity Show tradition. We’ll see you there tonight! Spec gets personal and pretty cute with their professors about the meaning of life, sharing their stories from their […]
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Come April, Columbia is witness to a familiar but slightly strange sight: thousands of students and patrons eagerly line up to fork over their money for a musical theater show. And this all happens in an age when musical theater is about as relevant as a rotary phone. It’s a testament not only to the […]
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We continue to respect our heritage/amorous affair with our mother-magazine, The Blue & White by posting each issue of the magazine online. The latest issue, available this week around campus, is a cornucopia of delights: an interview with Dean Peter Awn; the quixotic quest for a Quidditch team; and a reflection on Columbia’s recent media malaise. In Campus Characters, the Blue & White […]
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We think the Sci-Fi Club’s annual virgin sacrifice to Cthulhu is pretty cool, and we were able to get it on tape this year. The video pretty much speaks for itself:  
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‘Sup dudes. It’s basically the last week of classes, which means it’s time to bro’ out like nobody’s business. Drinking with Bwog can assist you with that. Read on as His Royal Dudeness Elliott Grieco of the Columbia Bartending Agency teaches you how to make the dudest of all drinks—the White Russian. Hey, man. I […]
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It’s late April; soon, it will be May. Finals are approaching. We, too, have been spending most of our waking hours—and a few sleeping ones, too—growing paler and paler in Butler, where the existence of something called “sun” is just a vague rumor we overheard two freshmen gossiping about once. So there are really only […]
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This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can even (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
October 10, 2024
This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can actually (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
October 10, 2024
This is crazy because I also went apple picking! (read more)
Field Notes: Apple Edition
October 8, 2024
This is a great interview. Thanks for your bold and brave words. When things are as bad as they (read more)
Barnard AAUP President Frederick Neuhouser Shares Thoughts On Student Protests And Administrative Responses In 1968 And 2024
October 8, 2024

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