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Location: 70 Morningside Dr. Nearby dorms: Wien. That’s literally it. Stores and restaurants: HamDel, Appletree Market, SubsConscious, Kitchenette (!) No banks or large grocery stores, but there is a Citibank ATM on the 4th floor of SIPA. Amenities: AC/Heating: Yes and yes. Kitchen/Lounge: Yes and Yes. Also a hall lounge. Kitchens are very nice and […]
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Last night, Bwog’s theatre aficionado Megan McGregor clicked her heels together three times and soon found herself in the Lerner Black Box theatre watching Operation: Ease on Down the Road. Friday night at 8 and 11 pm, Lerner Black Box experienced something unlike it has ever experienced—racist jokes, cultural references, and Barnard women galore. Wait, […]
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Lost: iPod Touch

Last seen in the Rosencrantz reading room in Butler late at night on Wednesday, March 23rd. Does not have case. If found, please email
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Have any major changes come to our little neck of Boringside Heights? Sort of. It seems that Dining knows how hard it is to hold a cup of coffee or tea while rushing to class (or sneaking drinks into Butler). This convenient Starbucks-style latte lid was spotted in John Jay by a perceptive and caffeine-addicted […]
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Bwog respects our heritage/amorous affair by posting each issue of The Blue and White. The latest issue, available this week, has a lot of good stuff: a debate on the relative merits of shaving or not, the history of Columbia’s forgotten post-1968 protests, and a conversation with Improv Everywhere’s Charlie Todd (all available soon on Bwog). From this […]
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The Barnard public safety shuttle is currently out of service. Barnard Public Safety has emphatically assured us that if you call, they will provide public transportation, but declined to say when the shuttle will be back in service. Here’s the email that Barnard Public Safety sent yesterday to their friends: From: <> Date: Fri, Mar 25, […]
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Sure, you may have listened to Vampire Weekend before they were cool, and you might know who Arcade Fire is, but what about Milton Brown? Bwog’s resident Southern Belle and WKCR programmer Amalia Scott has this to say about this weekend’s Western Swing Festival: Our hallowed radio station WKCR wants to know if you’ve ever even […]
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We know how you feel. Only a week after Spring Break ended, and you’ve already begun to replace memories of the sun and sand with problem sets and papers. You feel listless, unsure what to do, and hungover from last night. Let the lovely Jamila Barra, of DMV cartoon fame, cheer you up with her […]
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The Elections Board has released the full set of candidates for this year’s CCSC elections, and there are lots them! Nearly every election is contested. Five parties and an independent rep, are vying to represent 2013, while three full parties are each gunning for 2014 class council and the E-board. The race for the 2012 […]
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The Columbia Neuroscience Society is hosting a career panel with prominent neuropathologists and neurosurgeons, including a few Columbia professors. Being (future) brain surgeons, they know how to get Columbians to come to their events: they’re offering free sandwiches, drinks, and cookies from Subway. Whether you’re already planning where to go to med school, or you […]
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Judith Scott-Clayton, assistant professor at Teachers College, suggests that offering college students too many choices leads to frustration and procrastination and proposes instead giving college students more structure. Because no one ever procrastinates in Core classes! (NYT) Some schools pay their commencement speakers tons of money. Maybe POTUS should start having some bake sales? (NYT) If […]
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Location: 508 W. 114th St. Nearby dorms: John Jay, LLC, Carman. Same block as a bunch of frat/sorority houses and Broadway Residence Hall. Stores and restaurants: Nearly everything, especially on Amsterdam. Strokos is basically next door, and you’re just a short walk from HamDel, Artopolis, and Columbia Cottage. Cost: $8,324 (same as EC, Hogan, Watt, […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
September 26, 2024
Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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